‘Nothing touches Changi Airport’: Passenger praises stellar service after security helps refill moisturiser

Passenger praises Changi Airport for stellar service

Even for frequent fliers, going through airport security can still be a tense experience.

For one traveller at Changi Airport, however, what began as a frustrating mistake turned into a memorable encounter, thanks to the attentiveness of airport staff.

Sharing his “incredible” service experience at Changi Airport in a LinkedIn post on Wednesday (9 Oct), Raagulan Pathy said he was initially disappointed with himself after packing a 150ml bottle of moisturiser in his carry on baggage when the limit for liquids is 100ml per container.

“What a waste,” he thought, noting that the item had cost him between S$80 and S$100.

Source: Now Boarding by Changi Airport for illustration purposes only.

While this mistake could have resulted in a sour start to his trip, what happened next with the security staff surprised him.

Security helps to repackage moisturiser

Instead of immediately discarding the item, the security personnel “humanely” directed him to a nearby pharmacy.

There, they said, he could buy two 100ml containers for his moisturiser.

They also told him not to worry, assuring him that they would hold the item while he ran the errand.

“[That was] already amazing,” wrote Mr Raagulan.

Upon returning five minutes later with the containers, the staff noticed that he was busy on a call and repackaged his moisturiser for him despite his protests.

Source: Raagulan Pathy on LinkedIn

“There is guaranteed no airport on earth, where security is trained to be so damn courteous,” he said.

“You can build the shiniest, most gold-plated and expensive airport in the world. I don’t care. But nothing beats this. Nothing touches Changi Airport.”

Others chime in with positive experiences

Mr Raagulan’s post has since gone viral, garnering more than 11,000 reactions and hundreds of comments.

His sharing also prompted other netizens to chime in with their own positive service experiences at Changi Airport.

One LinkedIn user shared a fond memory of when she was travelling for work five-months pregnant.

A security guard at the bag check asked if she was pregnant, and proceeded with a manual body check without the X-ray scanner.

The staff did not want to take the chance of risking the unborn child’s well-being.

Source: LinkedIn

“I was so touched. Proud to be a Singaporean,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, another user agreed that “nothing beats Changi Airport”, pointing out its efficiency.

Source: LinkedIn

“You can step off a plane, exit immigration, collect bags, exit customs, jump in a cab, and be downtown or at home, all within 30 mins tops.”

Also read: Woman says Changi Airport is ‘the best’ after staff found lost item within 30 minutes

Woman says Changi Airport is ‘the best’ after staff found lost item within 30 minutes

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Featured image adapted from Changi Airport Group for illustration purposes only and Raagulan Pathy on LinkedIn.

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