Mother in Spain dies after getting bitten by pet hamster

Mother collapses & dies near health centre after being bitten by pet hamster

Despite being adored for their cuteness, hamsters can occasionally bite their human owners.

Last Friday (11 Oct) night, a 38-year-old mother visited a health centre after getting bitten by her hamster. However, she ended up collapsing just a few metres away from the medical facility’s entrance.

mother bitten hamster

Source: Jay Nlper on Unsplash. For illustrative purposes only.

Despite medical staff members’ attempts to resuscitate the Colombian national, she ended up passing away.

It is currently unclear if an autopsy was conducted. Regardless, autopsy results are usually kept private in Spain.

Local police in Castellon — the province Villarreal is located in — were unavailable for comments.

Bacterial infections could be transmitted through hamster bites

In rare cases, an infected hamster can transmit rabies and bacterial infections when biting owners, reported Daily Mail.

Owners who are bitten are advised to wash their wounds to avoid potential issues.

There have reportedly been cases of people with allergies suffering breathing difficulties after getting bitten by hamsters. Some of these victims were even hospitalised.

Also read: 13-year-old girl in the Philippines dies of rabies, was tied to hospital bed

13-year-old girl in the Philippines dies of rabies, was tied to hospital bed

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Featured image adapted from Small Pet Select, for illustrative purposes only.

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