10-year-old boy in Colombia refuses to fasten seatbelt, gets kicked out of plane with father

boy colombia kicked out of flight

Boy in Colombia gets kicked out of plane for refusing to fasten seatbelt

A boy in Colombia was kicked out of a plane along with his father after the child refused to sit down and fasten his seatbelt for takeoff, reported New York Post.

boy colombia kicked out of flight 1

Source: @ElInformador_SM on X

The boy’s actions caused delays of over an hour for the short-haul flight from Santa Marta to Bogota.

In a video of the incident, a flight attendant can be heard asking the boy and his father to leave the plane, while frustrated passengers shouted for them to get off the flight.

Plane had to return to the gate

According to El Colombiano, the ten-year-old boy threw a tantrum and refused to buckle up before takeoff.

This caused a delay, forcing the plane to vacate the runway and return to the gate.

boy colombia kicked out of flight 2

Source: @ElInformador_SM on X

A video of the incident shows that a flight attendant informed the passengers that the flight could not proceed as regulations had not been complied with, wrote El Colombiano.

“(The regulations) were not complied with and we had to return, and now we are waiting for the passengers who do not comply with the regulation to please disembark,” the flight attendant added.

Passengers shouted for father and son to get off flight

During the announcement, passengers shouted for the boy and his father to get off the plane.

However, one woman was heard defending the child, saying he has rights and that he was just a kid, reported the New York Post.

Ultimately, the boy and his father were escorted from the plane by security personnel.

The delay caused the flight to take off approximately an hour late.

Also read: Passenger in China delays flight by 2.5 hours after refusing to sit upright for takeoff

Passenger in China delays flight by 2.5 hours after refusing to sit upright for takeoff

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Featured image adapted from @ElInformador_SM on X

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