Passenger Lifts Parklane Shopping Mall Carpark Barrier To Let Car Through, Netizens Call Out Behaviour

Man Caught On Camera Lifting Parklane Shopping Mall Carpark Barrier On 10 Dec

Parking fees are one of a driver’s biggest woes.

In an apparent bid to avoid paying for parking, a man was caught on camera lifting the carpark barrier arm at Parklane Shopping Mall to allow a vehicle to drive through.

The incident took place on Saturday (10 Dec) at around 4am.

Based on the car’s licence plate, it was found that it had an expired road tax and had also incurred S$500 worth of fines for parking offences.

Volkswagen passenger seen lifting carpark barrier

On Monday (12 Dec), Facebook group SG Road Vigilante shared a video of a man pushing up the carpark barrier arm at Parklane Shopping Mall to allegedly avoid paying for parking.

The clip shows a white Volkswagen Golf R inching towards the carpark barrier before coming to a stop.

Shortly after, a man alights from the passenger side and tries to lift the barrier arm.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

He struggles at first but eventually, with some effort, he manages to do so.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

He then walks back towards the Volkswagen but the car moves forward past the barrier, leaving him to walk behind it.

Following that, the man returns to the barrier and pushes it back down.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

He then returns to the Volkswagen and gets into the passenger seat.

According to the video timestamp, the incident took place on 10 Dec at 3.58am.

Netizens call out behaviour

After watching the video, netizens called out the man’s behaviour, calling it “shameful” to evade parking fees.

Source: Facebook

Others found it hilarious that he put in the effort to push the barrier back into place, sarcastically remarking that he is a “responsible person”.

carpark barrier parklane mall

Source: Facebook

However, others gave him the benefit of the doubt, commenting that the carpark barrier might have been faulty.

carpark barrier parklane mall

Source: Facebook

Expired road tax and outstanding parking fines

A quick check on the OneMotoring site shows that the car’s road tax had expired earlier on 8 Dec.

carpark barrier parklane mall

Source: OneMotoring

It is an offence to keep or use a vehicle that does not have a valid road tax. Those found guilty of this can be fined up to S$2,000.

According to the Housing Development Board (HDB) website, the vehicle had also incurred five parking offences in the span of a month.

carpark barrier parklane mall

Source: HDB

The first of these offences was on 3 Nov and the latest was on 2 Dec.

In total, the penalties amounted to S$500, which the driver has yet to pay.

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Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

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