Changi Airport T3 Has 2 Covid-19 Community Cases, They’re Both Currently Unlinked

changi airport covid 19

2 Community Covid-19 Cases Work At Changi Airport Terminal 3

While hard-hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, business goes on at Changi Airport as there’s still some air travel present.

On Saturday (24 Oct), the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed that both community Covid-19 cases from today work at Changi Airport’s Terminal 3 (T3).


Both of them are not linked to other cases, though they have front-facing jobs.

As a precaution, MOH will test all individuals at T3 who may have contact with travellers.

2 Covid-19 cases work at Changi Airport T3

These are the 2 cases:

  • Case 58125 is a 64-year-old male Singapore PR and security officer
  • Case 58138 is a 48-year-old male Singaporean who works as a temperature screener and swab assistant at T3’s Raffles Medical clinic

Case 58125 had gone to work after symptom onset and also visited the National Eye Centre for an unrelated condition.

Meanwhile, Case 58138 also went to work at Raffles Medical after onset of symptoms.

Both cases were detected after they were diagnosed with acute respiratory infection by a doctor and sent for Covid-19 testing.

However, they had no interactions with each other and are unlinked to other cases so far.

MOH will test workers at Changi Airport T3

As a result of these findings, MOH will send all individuals working at T3, who may have contact with travellers, for Covid-19 testing.

There are also plans to have Rostered Routine Testing of frontline staff at Changi Airport, as there’ll be more travellers arriving in Singapore in the next few months.

Meanwhile, a lab is being set up at the airport to process tests there.

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While opening up is inevitable, we also have to safeguard our frontliners to ensure they aren’t at heightened risk of catching Covid-19.

MOH will provide more details regarding routine testing later.

Need to keep frontliners working in airport safe

At the moment, authorities aren’t sure as to how the 2 cases caught Covid-19. However, it is true that there may be added risk working at the airport and dealing with travellers.

We’re glad to hear that there’ll be more testing done for such staff, and hopefully we’ll be able to prevent any outbreak at airports.

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Featured image adapted from Induced.

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