Couple Gets Married Right After ‘Circuit Breaker’, Blissful Union Ends 2 Months Of Not Meeting

Couple Poses For Post ‘Circuit Breaker’ Wedding Photos With Masks On

The end of ‘Circuit Breaker’ on 1 Jun meant a return to old routines for many of us, but for a young couple, it marked the start of a new beginning.

As restrictions were lifted, they were finally able to wed in person, in true Covid-19-safe style, complete with masks on.


What made the occasion sweeter was that this was their first meeting after 2 long months.

Engaged couple didn’t meet throughout ‘Circuit Breaker’

For almost 2 months, law-abiding couples across Singapore were in agony as they couldn’t meet their significant others who were also stuck at home.

While the frustration continues for some, the easing of restrictions on solemnisation ceremonies is a ray of hope for others.

Instead of resorting to an online marriage, this young couple took the opportunity to wed in person on Tuesday (2 Jun), the first day of post-‘Circuit Breaker’ Phase 1.


Their wedding date also fell within the month of Syawal, or the Hari Raya Aidilfitri period, so it was a blissful union indeed.

You can watch the video below for a peek at their solemnisation ceremony:

Now legally married, they can spend the rest of the festive period together, which must be such a huge relief after 2 months of not seeing each other.

Took stunning wedding photos with masks on

Though a humble affair, they made sure to capture their union for posterity in a series of stunning photos, which the wife shared on Twitter.

Donning masks didn’t make them look any less than the king and queen of the day, dressed in their glamorous white outfits.


The bride was breathtaking in her elegant dress, while the groom looked dashing in his traditional Malay baju kurung complete with a kain samping and capal.

Looking back at these photos will surely bring back memories of a wedding to remember.

While the government doesn’t allow wedding photography in Phase 1, in-person solemnisation ceremonies can involve up to 10 family members.

There’s a chance that their photographer is family, though such information is unavailable.

Slight consolation for soon-to-be-married couples

With in-person marriages now possible, following strict guidelines, we’re glad that there’s consolation for some couples.

It may be a very intimate affair amidst strange times, but try to make the most of it, like this couple did.


Our heartiest congratulations go to the couple as we wish them a blissful marriage ahead, and to the others following in their footsteps, the best of luck.

Featured image adapted from Twitter. Photography by pau.

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