‘We paid for shipping & this is the quality we get’: Couriers in S’pore caught throwing parcels to ground

Couriers in Singapore seen throwing parcels to the ground

A video shared by Instagram page @sgfollowsall showed a group of couriers in Singapore throwing parcels onto the ground.

Three men were seen standing among scattered piles of packages in an open-air carpark.

They appeared to be sorting through the mail — haphazardly tossing them to the ground after checking each one.

Source: @sgfollowsall on Instagram

A netizen who witnessed the scene expressed disappointment with how they handled the packages.

Many others commented that they discovered the reason why their parcels arrived damaged.

Couriers appeared to be sorting packages into piles

SG Follows All shared that a follower had sent them the clip, along with an accompanying note regarding the tip-off.

In the video, the three men stood around a white van filled with what appeared to be parcels.

They grabbed mailing packages from blue plastic bags and examined each one before carelessly throwing them into piles.

“Disappointed with how they handled our packages. We paid for shipping & this is the quality we get,” said the netizen who submitted the clip.

“No wonder items get damaged or dented, and it’s not the sellers’ fault. Buyers would sometimes blame the sellers for damage or dents and whatnot, but in fact, this is the reality.”

They noted that they shared the video for awareness.

Netizens express frustration over treatment of packages

Many netizens left comments about the couriers’ behaviour. One Instagram user pointed out that airline baggage handlers handle luggage the same way.

“Pay so much for ticket luggage still get thrown around,” wrote the commenter.

Source: @sgfollowsall on Instagram

Another netizen also noted that the behaviour was normal.

Source: @sgfollowsall on Instagram

Meanwhile, some said that they realised why their items were damaged upon arrival after watching the video.

Source: @sgfollowsall on Instagram

Additionally, another netizen joked that the treatment of packages is the same regardless of paid or free delivery.

Source: @sgfollowsall on Instagram

Also read: Shopee Deliverymen Filmed Throwing Parcels On The Ground, Company Calls Behaviour ‘Unacceptable’

Shopee Deliverymen Filmed Throwing Parcels On The Ground, Company Calls Behaviour ‘Unacceptable’

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Featured image adapted from @sgfollowsall on Instagram.

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