Cyclist Berates Woman For Not Giving Way On Footpath In AMK, Netizens Denounce His Behaviour

Cyclist Shouts At Woman For Not Giving Way In Ang Mo Kio

When sharing a public space like a footpath, we must be considerate of others who may want to use it as well. Not doing so could lead to clashes that show the uglier side of human nature.

This was seen in an incident posted on Facebook page SG Road Vigilante (SGRV), where a cyclist got into an altercation with a woman on a public footpath in Ang Mo Kio (AMK).

The cyclist apparently demanded that the woman give way to him. She refused, and the two are seen arguing in the short clip.

The video sparked outrage among netizens as many felt that even though riders are allowed on public footpaths, they must give the right of way to pedestrians first.

Rider confronts woman for not giving way

The cyclist recorded the confrontation at AMK Avenue 8 and shared it on his Facebook page. SGRV reposted the video on 30 Mar.

The clip shows the cyclist stopping the woman in the middle of the footpath and telling her off for not giving way to him.


At the time, the woman was walking with her children.


Both the cyclist and the woman are heard arguing in the video. The cyclist insulted the woman as well, repeatedly calling her names like “idiot” and “stupid”.

The woman told the cyclist to dismount and push the bicycle instead, but he continued berating her.

The cyclist then identified himself as a food delivery rider and asked if the woman’s behaviour extends to others like him.


At the end of the video, the woman left the fight by crossing the road, with the cyclist still shouting after her.

Netizens ask cyclists to be considerate

Netizens were appalled by the cyclist’s behaviour.

Many believe that he could have been more considerate towards the pedestrian and shouldn’t have harassed her with name-calling.

One user pointed out that there are multiple alternatives the cyclist could have considered instead of shouting at the woman, such as ringing the bell and waiting patiently behind.


Another commenter slammed the cyclist’s act of insulting the woman for not giving him the right of way, calling him a “disgrace” to the cyclist community.


A fellow cyclist also noted that pedestrians should be given the right of way first, especially on footpaths. This is a cardinal rule in areas shared between pedestrians and riders.


According to LTA guidelines, active mobility device riders – including cyclists – must always give way to pedestrians on public paths. Riders should also travel slowly in such areas and dismount whenever necessary.

Be considerate to your fellow pedestrians

Sharing a public space might lead to conflicts occasionally, as seen just last week with a cyclist in Sengkang assaulting a pedestrian.

Thus, we should always be considerate towards others. Resorting to harsh insults and rude gestures is not the way to go.

We hope that all riders can be more mindful of others while on their bicycles.

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Featured image adapted from SGRV on Facebook.

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