More than 10,000 dogs and 4,000 cats returned to lost-and-found in Japan in 2023

More than 10,000 dogs, 4,000 cats, & 8,000 other pets reported to lost-and-found in Japan

In 2023, a record number of lost items were returned to the police’s lost-and-found department in Japan. The usual items such as brollies and wallets were par for the course, but surprisingly, there were several “lost” animals such as dogs and cats, too.

According to NHK, the Japan’s National Police Agency received some 25,535 animals that were reportedly “lost”. Out of that number, 12,722 were dogs, 4,382 were cats, and 8,431 were other animals such as turtles and birds.

Believed to have been kept as pets, the police usually try to search for their owners through lost reports, collars, and microchips.

Source: NHK

If their owners cannot be found, the animals are kept at the station for two weeks, then handed over to animal welfare centres.

They are then kept there for three months, after which the animal is put up for adoption. The person who found the animal is also able to adopt it at this stage, if he or she wishes.

Many, however, remain homeless.

Oftentimes, NHK said, police officers and other staff end up taking in the pet themselves.

Source: NHK

NHK also said that there was an instance this year when a sugar glider was sent to a police station in Tokyo as a “lost” item.

Police officers spent time researching about the marsupial; they also fed it and built a hideout out of newspaper.

Most amount of items reported to lost-and-found in Japan since 2019

In 2023, there were more than 29.7 million lost items found in Japan. This is around 3.15 million more than 2022.

Police say the sharp increase could be a result of Covid-19 restrictions easing, which meant there was more people movement.

There was also an increase in the number of lost small items, including electrical appliances such as wireless earphones and portable fans, and things like heated cigarettes and power banks.

The amount of lost cash recovered was also high, amounting to more than 22 billion yen (S$190 million).

According to NHK, this was close to the budget for Hokuto City, Hokkaido, which has a population of 43,000 people.

Also read: Poodle seen running on CTE found by Animal Wellness Centre & reunited with owner

Poodle seen running on CTE found by Animal Wellness Centre & reunited with owner

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Featured image adapted from NHK

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