Netizens Left Entertaining Comments On GE2020 Party Political Broadcast
On Thursday (2 Jul), parties contesting more than 5 seats in GE2020 were given a platform on national TV to reach out to viewers.
Parties were given allocated time according to the number of seats they were contesting.
Each of the representatives took time to lay out their party’s plans to Singaporeans, but arguably the comments section was where the real meat of the material was.
The people on the broadcast were, in order of appearance:
- Reform Party’s Charles Yeo
- National Solidarity Party’s Spencer Ng
- Peoples Voice’s Michael Fang
- Singapore Democratic Party’s Dr Chee Soon Juan
- Workers’ Party’s Pritam Singh
- Progress Singapore Party’s Dr Tan Cheng Bock
- People’s Action Party’s Heng Swee Keat
Unfortunately, the poor guys making the speeches appeared largely forgotten, and many took to spamming the live comments section instead.
You can watch the broadcast here, sans comments sadly.
Calls for Jamus, even when he isn’t participating
It seems Singapore can’t get enough of WP’s Jamus Lim, who seems to have amassed a fanclub overnight.
Of course, WP’s Nicole Seah also has many fans of her own. Could the 2 of them be WP’s most popular candidates so far?
Actually, Dr Lim was over at a WP online rally, which you can watch here.
Thirsty for Pritam
Instead of Dr Lim, we got to see party chief Pritam Singh instead, delivering his speech with the gusto we’ve come to know him for in rallies and Parliament.
Mr Singh does have fans of his own, although we’re not sure if that’s admiration or something more.
Where are the upgrades
If there’s one thing that the PAP delivers on, it’s upgrades.
Something that opposition wards sometimes have to wait a long time for. In this netizen’s case, more than 10 years.
Unfortunate. But I’m sure Hougang has a paint shop or two.
ECP stands for East Coast Plan
By now, everyone knows about the impending plan that Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat has promised.
You guessed, it’s the East. Coast. Plan.
So when DPM Heng showed up on the broadcast, there was only one question on everyone’s minds:
Ladies and gentlemen, the plan has arrived.
Ban it now
It’s fair to say that not all comments on the broadcast were savoury or even fit for rebroadcast.
One person had apparently had it with the nature of the comments and demanded its immediate extinction.
Now. With a full-stop for emphasis.
The chat remained open to the end. Not today, my guy.
We want to be entertained during GE2020 party broadcasts
While it’s a good idea to have party candidates come on a live broadcast so they can address the nation, people want to be entertained too.
This isn’t to say that politics is entertainment, but the best way to get people to listen is by being engaging, and arguably most of the ‘Internet’ generation are familiar with each party’s policies.
Regardless, the TV broadcast remains useful for those who don’t go on the Internet often. Meanwhile, those on the Internet had a little fun instead.
Kudos to everyone for their speeches, and rest assured that many listened to them.
Featured image adapted from CNA on YouTube.