92-Year-Old Man Says PMA Hit Him At AMK Bus Interchange, He Suffers Facial Injuries

Elderly Man Reportedly Hit By PMA At AMK Bus Interchange, Police Report Made

In what could be the latest incident involving a personal mobility aid (PMA), an elderly man has said that he was hit by one.

The 92-year-old man was at Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange when the incident took place, he said.

He reportedly suffered facial injuries and required three stitches above his eyebrow.

Incident took place on 15 Jan

The incident reportedly occurred at about 1pm on Monday (15 Jan).

The man, named only as Mr Zheng (transliterated from Mandarin) was walking towards the exit near Burger King at the time.

Source: Google Maps

Suddenly, he felt something hit his right foot from behind, he said.

This caused him to fall and land on the right side of his face.

Elderly man says PMA hit him in AMK

Bleeding from a gash above his right eyebrow, Mr Zheng managed to stand up and saw that it was a PMA that hit him, he said.

He described the rider as a slim man of about 70 years old.

When he asked the rider why he hit him, the man allegedly replied that the older man had hit him first.

He then left without apologising, Mr Zheng added.

Elderly man requires stitches, develops bruising

At this point, two staff from the interchange came to help him and stop the bleeding, along with several members of the public.

Two students also called the ambulance.

Mr Zheng was sent to Sengkang General Hospital and required three stitches for his wound.

He also developed serious bruising on the right side of his face.

He was lucky his head didn’t hit the ground as a brain haemorrhage or fracture would be agonising, he said, especially at his age.

Elderly man returns to AMK interchange in search of PMA rider

Despite his injuries, Mr Zheng returned to the scene the next day to look for the PMA rider.

Though his children have advised him to make a police report, he decided to catch him himself to help the investigation as the man left quickly without leaving any details behind.

He told reporters that he’s not looking for compensation, but wanted to bring the rider to the police so he could get a warning.

Hopefully, this will ensure that he’s more careful when riding a PMA in the future.

Mr Zheng did eventually spot him at the interchange two days after the incident, but couldn’t catch up with him as he was on his PMA.

Thus, he continued waiting at the interchange for a few days.

SBS Transit has made police report

In response to MS News’ queries, SBS Transit spokesperson Ms Grace Wu said that a staff was patrolling the Ang Mo Kio bus interchange at about 12.55pm on 15 Jan 2024 when he saw a small crowd that had gathered around an elderly man on the ground in a seated position.

The staff and two members of the public then helped him up to a seat.

SBS Transit staff attended to his wound while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

“We would like to thank the two commuters who had stepped forward to assist the injured man,” said Ms Wu.

“Meanwhile, we have viewed the cctv footage and note that a PMA was involved. We have since filed a Police report.”

Also read: Elderly Man On PMA Collides With Motorcycle In Jurong West, He Passes Away From Injuries

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps.

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