Innovative Lazada ad featuring actor breaking fourth wall at S’pore cinemas leaves audience in stitches

Innovative Lazada ad features actor breaking fourth wall at Singapore cinemas

Whenever you hit the cinemas, do you usually find yourself hoping for the commercials to pass quickly just so that you can watch the movie?

Recently, an innovative Lazada Singapore advertisement has transformed the pre-movie experience for cinemagoers.

A male actor starts by performing live in the theatre before appearing in the ad itself, cleverly breaking the fourth wall and captivating the audience.

Lazada ad shows on-screen mum conversing with son, who is in the theatre

On Monday (3 June), the e-commerce brand uploaded a clip of the ad on YouTube.

The ad kicks off with a middle-aged woman calling her son’s mobile phone. Surprisingly, her ‘son’ is an actor among the audience, who then picks up his phone.

“Eh boy, watching movie ah?” she asks, to which her son replies that he cannot talk then as the movie was starting.

He then questions her as to why she was on the screen.

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Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

Son subsequently appeared on the screen with his mother

Shortly after, the on-screen mother starts opening her son’s delivery parcels, much to his embarrassment.

Among some of the items she took out were a miniature hat, a pair of light-up chopsticks and wigs.

But the straw that broke the camel’s back was when she revealed her son’s purchase of a pantyhose.

“Mum, stop, stop it! I’m coming back now,” the actor implored, before dashing out of the cinema.

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Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

Almost immediately after he left the theatre, he was seen rushing into his room on-screen. His mother also prompted him to come clean about his purchase.

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Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

The ad ended with a call to action to shop at Lazada, finally revealing its motivation to an amused audience.

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Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

Many netizens commended the brand’s unique marketing technique

On TikTok, some moviegoers have also taken to the platform to share clips of their experiences watching the ad.

@onepockyplease Jumpscare on our first date HAHAHAHAHAH @SG Viral Videos @SGPowerLah @SG Trending Video @limkopisg #sgtiktok #lazadasg #lazadacinemadrama ♬ original sound – onepockyplease

In the comments, many netizens expressed that the ad was indeed one-of-a-kind. One user shared that they had never seen such an ad before.

Source: TikTok

Others also commended the brand for its “effective marketing”.

Source: TikTok

The creative ad also has its unique version in Malaysia cinemas.

Also read: 6 best beauty deals on Lazada, based on its lobang-finding chatbot

6 best beauty deals on Lazada, based on its lobang-finding chatbot

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Featured image adapted from Lazada Singapore on YouTube

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