S’poreans Take Lightning Shots During Thunderstorm, Stunning Bolts Show Nature’s Beauty

Singaporeans Captured Shots Of Lightning Bolts In 21 Oct Thunderstorm

Rolling thunderclouds tend to send Singaporeans scuttling to the nearest shelter. After all, who’d want to be drenched in a storm?

Storm clouds Source

Tuesday’s (21 Oct) thunderstorm was unexpected as the last 2 weeks of October was forecasted to be warm.

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However, some netizens managed to capture the lightning bolts as they zipped through the night sky.


We have to say that the images are truly mesmerising.

Lightning bolts captured near the coast

Those living near Keppel Harbour had their cameras handy as lightning bolts flashed from the heavens.

From his home, photographer Yip Jen Wei captured a composite image featuring multiple streaks of lightning zipping over the towering cargo cranes.

Lightning bolts Source

Perhaps Thor had summoned lightning against a foe during last night’s storm.

Seriously though, it takes some effort to capture such an image. The photographer reportedly stacked 10 images together so the positions and brightness of each bolt are on point.

Another photographer posted a picture near the port, with one bolt being particularly bright.

Lightning strikeSource

Yet another Facebook user shared a picture he took in the same area.

However, in this image, he froze two huge bolts of lightning that zigzagged from the sky and split into smaller branches.

Lightning boltsSource

Each image is stunning in their own right, reminding us that every lightning bolt is unique and special.

Lightning strike captured further inland

While the images near the bay were spectacular, other pictures snapped further inland were equally gorgeous too.

One Facebook user captured the lightning bolts from his home near Keppel.

Lightning strikeSource

This skilled photographer showed us the mesmerising natural phenomenon can be captured from different spots around Singapore, coastal or not.

Staying safe during a thunderstorm

Though lightning is a common occurrence during a thunderstorm, we have to take our hats off to these photographers.

Being such a mercurial phenomenon, they require a tremendous amount of patience and skill with the camera.

Storm cloudsSource

However, if you’re intent on capturing this beautiful display of nature’s power, we’d advise you to do so from the safety and comfort of your home.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at hello@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Reddit.

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