M’sian Woman Makes Extra Lunches & Gives Allowance To Son’s Friend Whose Mother Passed Away

M’sian Woman Makes Extra Lunches & Gives Allowance To Son’s Friend Whose Mother Passed Away

Malaysian Woman Makes Extra Lunches For Son’s Friend Whose Mother Passed Away

Every child deserves to grow up loved and taken care of.

Unfortunately, sometimes tragedy strikes, leaving the child without a parent to do these for them.

A Malaysian woman recently shared that her son has a friend who lost his mother at a young age.

To ensure he is well-fed, she has been making extra lunches for him while preparing food for her son.

Besides that, she also gives him pocket money to buy meals on the days she doesn’t cook.

Mother of son’s friend passed away when he was 11

The heartwarming gesture went viral when the woman shared the story in a Facebook group.

She said that she has been packing lunch for her son and his friend for their religious classes.

Source: Facebook

Tragically, her son’s friend lost his mother at the tender age of 11.

Later, she would discover that there were times he would go to school without any pocket money.

She added that her son would sometimes share his food with him and that she would also give his friend an allowance from time to time.

Alongside the caption, she shared a photo of two lunches she packed, which featured a simple but nutritious meal consisting of rice, prawns, fish, and grapes.

Woman became emotional after son’s friend complimented her on cooking

In a comment below her original post, the woman elaborated further on her son’s friend.

During one afternoon, she had the chance to pick him up from school and drop him off at his house.

Once she and her son got home, he took out the containers that had been used to pack their lunches.

Both boxes were completely empty, and her son revealed that his friend had finished all the food she packed.

lunches friend mum passed

Source: Facebook

In fact, he even said it was delicious.

As simple of a statement as this was, it caused the woman to choke up with emotion.

Woman’s son often shows care towards his friend

The woman’s post tugged at many people’s heartstrings, with many expressing both sympathy for the boy’s situation and praise for her generosity.

One commenter said that the story was truly a sad one. They also praised the OP for having a good heart.

In response, the woman said she has thought about what it would be like if the same thing were to happen to her child.

This is because at age 11, a kid would still want to be spoiled by their mother and enjoy her cooking.

She also highlighted how her child has been looking out for his friend.

Whenever she asked him if he would like to bring lunch for his friend, he would always say yes.

lunches friend mum passed

Source: Facebook

Another Facebook user expressed their hope that the woman would be showered with more blessings and that they teared up when they imagined what things are like for the boy.

The woman went on to share that her son always keeps his friend in his thoughts.

She revealed that she first learned of his friend because he had told her stories aboout his life.

These days, she would also send her son’s friend home from school after he asked for her permission, stating that his friend’s bicycle was not working.

lunches friend mum passed

Source: Facebook

Finally, another commenter pointed out that the friend must really miss his late mother’s cooking, to which the woman said she feels the same.

At the same time, she divulged that she lost her own mother at 15 years old and still misses her cooking to this day.

As such, she could only imagine what it must be like for the boy to lose his mother at the even younger age of 11.

Source: Facebook

It is truly inconceivable for any child to be without a mother so early in life.

Fortunately, he has found Good Samaritans in his friend and his friend’s mother. Their presence in his life will surely make him feel less alone.

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