MOS Burger Toa Payoh Staff Throws Fit After Elderly Colleague Confuses Orders, Company Will Take Action

MOS Burger Regrets Distress Caused By Toa Payoh Outlet Staff’s Outburst

Due to their age, old folks may understandably struggle with even the simplest of tasks. Interacting with them thus requires patience, which a MOS Burger employee in Toa Payoh apparently failed to display.

A GrabFood rider captured upsetting footage of the staff in question reprimanding an elderly colleague in front of customers, which drew ire online.


was collecting my Grabfood order at MOS burger HDB hub when this happened this is totally unacceptable #mosburgersg #toapayoh #grabfood #singaporetiktok #sgtiktok

♬ original sound – James ONG88 – James ONG88

The fast food chain has since investigated the incident and will take necessary action.

Staff scolds elderly employee for mixing up orders

In a TikTok video on 6 June, user James shared an encounter he had while collecting a GrabFood order at the MOS Burger outlet at HDB Hub in Toa Payoh.

Per standard procedure, he walked up to the counter, announced his order number and specified the items he had to collect.

He then filled up a form, perhaps to acknowledge that he had been there to collect the order.

As he stepped aside to wait, an employee in blue appeared from the kitchen and apologised, saying that the elderly employee in red, or “uncle”, had passed the items to someone else.

Upon learning this, James took the news calmly and replied that it was okay as long as the order was correct.

The seemingly calm situation abruptly took a turn when the younger employee grabbed a bag of items and slammed it on a shelf.

Source: @james_sg88 on TikTok

He then began opening and slamming doors close, even punching a paper bag on the counter loudly, as he prepared a new order.

Source: @james_sg88 on TikTok

He continued his tantrum for the next few minutes and caused such a scene that a customer approaching the counter turned back and walked away.

The entire time, the uncle did his work quietly, not uttering a word or reacting to his colleague’s fit.

GrabFood rider records outburst at MOS Burger Toa Payoh outlet

Perhaps taking pity on the uncle, James tried to verbally assure him at various points in the 8-minute clip.

When the staff in blue first showed his frustration, the GrabFood rider told the uncle to tell his colleague to relax and take his time — that there was no need to rush.

But when it became apparent that the employee was not cooling down, James declared that he had a camera and was recording everything.

Source: @james_sg88 on TikTok

He said to the uncle and other customers who witnessed the scene that if the clip went online, the employee would surely hear from his manager.

Towards the end of the video, James asked if everything was okay as he came up to the counter to collect his order.

Source: @james_sg88 on TikTok

The uncle did not respond but simply passed the bags to him and said “thank you”. Behind, the staff in blue continued with his other tasks, still seemingly unhappy.

However, he did stop James to pass him a spoon while apologising, possibly for forgetting, before getting back to his work.

James eventually left as the uncle walked past him to clear some tables, bidding goodbye.

MOS Burger investigates incident

TikTok users, understandably upset by the video, took to the comments section to express their anger. Many pitied the uncle, whom they claim is a very cheerful and friendly person.

Some said they would bring the matter up to MOS Burger’s management. Their efforts seemed to bear fruit as the management is now aware of the incident.

In response to MS News’ queries, the management at MOS Foods Singapore conveyed their deep regret for the distress caused.

They’ve launched an investigation to gather evidence and promise to “take appropriate action based on the investigation’s findings”.

Besides offering support to the affected employee, they will be “implementing new measures and training programmes to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future”.

MOS Burger emphasised that the other staff’s behaviour is unacceptable.

Kudos to MOS Burger for responding quickly to the incident. Hopefully, they will take the necessary steps to ensure a safer work environment for everyone.

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Featured image adapted from @james_sg88 on TikTok.

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