Loansharks Get Trolled By Debtors, End Up Splashing Paint At North Vista Sec

Guarantor’s son was allegedly from ‘Rivervale Secondary School’

On Monday (23 Nov) morning, staff and students of North Vista Secondary School arrived on campus to a rude shock — somebody had splashed paint on the school’s wall, defacing the school badge and name.

According to the report by Today, posters containing details of a man and his son were found at the scene, along with accusations of the son being a student of ‘Rivervale Secondary School’.

Except there isn’t a school of that name anywhere in Singapore.


This is the work of master trolls, people.

Son was named as guarantor to father’s debt

The man mentioned in the posters allegedly owes loansharks $2,500, and has his son listed as guarantor to the debt. However, according to North Vista Secondary principal Regina Lee, the pair have nothing to do with the school situated at Rivervale Link.

The police have been notified, and are currently investigating the case of mischief.

Interestingly, (or not) North Vista Secondary was a nomination centre for GE2015.

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With reference from TodayOnline

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