NTUC FairPrice Is Now #1 On S’pore iPhone App Store After Last Night’s Supermarket Madness

NTUC FairPrice App Is Singapore’s Most Popular On iPhone App Store

Yep, you must have seen or heard of the mad rush at Singapore supermarkets last night. How could one not? Our panic buying has even made the news in Hong Kong, and even AFP.

Bruh, look at us.

Image sourced via AFP

Singapore shoppers are resorting to technology to help them siam the queues. Interestingly, NTUC FairPrice’s mobile app has climbed to #1 in the Apple Store. You can check your phone now to be sure.

This trend was first reported by a Redditor, who posted about it on 8 Feb.

People may have turned to app as FairPrice website was down

Our guess is that people are flocking to the mobile app because even online shopping through NTUC FairPrice’s website seems impossible.

An MS News reader has written to us, telling us that the situation has been as such since Friday (7 Feb) afternoon.

We tried refreshing it ourselves too, and were met with the same error message.

Website is back up on 8 Feb evening, forewarning of high demand

But good news, as of 6.33pm, the website is back up and running. You might want to consider going easy with your orders, though.

This message is still published on their homepage, reminding users to only buy what they need as they’re experiencing high demand.

The same can also be seen on the newly popular NTUC FairPrice app.

Don’t panic buy, only get what you need

If you still feel like trying your luck at physical stores, know that Singapore supermarkets around the island are working hard to ensure that depleted supplies are restocked soonest.

All the panic buying after the DORSCON Orange alert announcement has inadvertently unveiled a not-so-pretty side of Singaporeans.

We’re talking about those who irresponsibly left their baskets on the floor just to siam long queues.

As Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said on 30 Jan, we shouldn’t have to succumb to short-term fears and behaviours such as panic buying and hoarding.

The Government already has a proper system built in place to counter infectious diseases.

“Collective defence is our strongest defence.” He was talking about masks then. Now, the same can be said for groceries.

Be it online or in physical stores, do shop responsibly. Those who need the supplies more, will thank you for it.

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Featured image by MS News.

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