From Stationery To Socks, Here’s What S$1 Can Still Get You In S’pore In 2023

From Stationery To Socks, Here’s What S$1 Can Still Get You In S’pore In 2023

It’s Still Possible To Buy Items For A Dollar — Or Less — In Singapore

Not looking forward to the upcoming GST hike in 2024? Neither are we.

That is why MS News took to the streets of Singapore to find the best bargains that cost one dollar or less.

As one might expect, it is mostly in the heartland neighbourhoods where you can find such deals.

One Bedok neighbourhood proved to be a particularly good bargain spot, with no less than three shops selling household goods, food, and drinks for S$1 or less.

1. 1.5-litre drinks — S$1 each

This being the festive season, we’re sure many will be stocking up on snacks and drinks for visitors.

That’s where the Valu$ shops come in.

With 1.5-litre drinks like Coke and A&W root beer at unrivalled prices this side of the Causeway, you don’t have to break the bank to host friends during your next Christmas party.

That said, do note that the prices may differ at other outlets depending on their location.

2. Blue pen — 30 cents

Though the December school holidays are in full swing, students might still want to be prepared for when school starts in January.

While an expensive fountain pen may be a status symbol, a S$0.30 writing tool is good enough for basic note-taking and as something for you to twirl in class.

And yes, that’s the price at T-Luck Household & Services in Bedok.

As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword.

Even as many of us switch to iPads and computerfor our daily needs, there will always be room for the analogue pen.

3. Baby wipes — S$1

Don’t let the name fool you. Baby wipes are probably the most versatile tools someone can have in their bag.

And for parents of babies and toddlers, there’s no way you’re leaving the house without a pack.

Of course, raising a child can get expensive fast, so any savings you can muster will go a long way in sustaining the finances.

Also at T-Luck Household & Services in Bedok, baby wipes are just one item you can obtain for just S$1 each.

From dining in to using a public washroom, there’s never a time when you wouldn’t wish you were carrying baby wipes.

4. Coffee bun — S$1

In a world where pastries are getting pricier, one is hard-pressed to find cheap buns for a quick breakfast.

However, Mai Loo Qi Bakery in Bedok completely upended our expectations with the cheapest coffee buns we’ve seen in a while.

dollar items

Those who can’t go without bread in the morning will be pleased to note that they can grab a bite from this bakery before heading to work or school.

5. Socks — 80 cents a pair

Wet weather is upon us once more, and with temperatures falling, you’re gonna want to keep warm.

Plus, you can never have too many pairs of cute socks. It’s also good to have backups if they — touch wood — go missing in the wash.

dollar items

At just 80 cents, you can get a pair of your own at Holdi, a nondescript department store in Bedok.

They also make great Secret Santa gifts. Just don’t let your friends know how much — or rather, how little — you paid for the socks.

6. Kitchen sponges — 6 for S$1

Any auntie — or one at heart — would be happy to know that you can get a batch of kitchen sponges on the cheap at Valu$ too.

dollar items

At six for S$1, one sponge costs less than S$0.17.

As far as bargains go, it’s quite hard to top that — and you get to have squeaky clean dishes too.

Don’t panic, items that cost a dollar or less are still out there

When we asked our friends and family for suggestions on what to buy for a dollar, many of them were sceptical, to say the least.

Most of them didn’t believe S$1 items were still being sold.

But here’s a hint: the heartlands, many of which serve older folk, have shops where you can save a lot of money.

While many places may find they need to raise prices, others will try to keep costs low so that people won’t suffer too much financially.

Hopefully this is a good starting point.

Also read: We Spent A Day Finding Out What We Can Buy In Singapore With S$1 & Ranked The Best Loot

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