Man Prank Orders Whole Roasted Pig To Tampines Flat, Police Investigations Ongoing

Roasted Pig Supplier Makes Police Report After Alleged Prank Order Delivery

Pranks involving food delivery platforms made the news earlier this year when riders reported that more of such cases are involving cash-on-delivery.

A well-known quirk of loansharks is to hang a pig’s head outside the debtor’s home.

Now it appears that an HDB resident has been harassed with another method.

Someone had phoned up a roasted meat distributor asking to deliver a whole roasted pig, but oddly asked for cash-on-delivery.

However, no one answered the door and the man had to call the police.

Police told Shin Min Daily News that they are investigating a case of harassment.

Man makes order for roasted pig worth $188

Shin Min Daily News reported that on 16 Nov, a man made an order to Ming Wang Roasted Pig Supplier Pte Ltd, asking for a whole roasted pig delivery worth $188.


Mr Hu (directly translated from Mandarin), the owner, told Shin Min Daily News that the man was unwilling to use PayNow and insisted on cash-on-delivery.

The man allegedly told Mr Hu that he can call the police if he doesn’t pay up.

Since times were bad, Mr Hu reluctantly agreed to use cash-on-delivery.

Waited 4 hours outside door of flat

According to Shin Min Daily News, the flat was located in Block 827A Tampines Street 81.

However, no one was at the door when he arrived.

After waiting for 4 hours, Mr Hu decided to call the police.


Residents are supposedly a 70-year-old man and his helper

According to interviews with neighbours, Shin Min Daily News found that the inhabitants of the flat were a 70-year-old man who has a helper.

The man’s wife had apparently passed away recently, and it is understood that the man and his wife are Malay.

A Shin Min Daily News reporter also tried calling the man who placed the order but nobody answered.

According to the report, the WhatsApp business number belongs to a company that supposedly provides “financial services”.

Police told the Chinese evening paper that they’d received a report of a suspected harassment case and are now investigating.

Do not use F&B businesses to make prank deliveries

Whoever placed the order has caused the roasted pig seller much loss, both in time and money.

As an innocent party, the owner probably suffered the most loss — not to mention the food waste.

Harassment cases involving F&B deliveries are on the rise. Unfortunately, in this case, the owner was unable to agree on the buyer using PayNow, which could have avoided the mess.

We hope the investigations are thoroughly conducted and that the perpetrators receive justice.

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