Self-Disinfection Coating Applied In HDB Lifts Protects Against Viruses, Bacteria, And Fungi
Singapore has increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting procedures over the past few months due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Despite so, many may still feel paranoid about pressing lift buttons and have been coming up with new ways to avoid direct contact with these seemingly dirty surfaces.
Volunteers providing cotton buds for lift users
Well, this new self-disinfecting coating on lift buttons might make you less anxious next time you’re using the lift.
Serving as an additional protective barrier of protection for users, it might help us better combat Covid-19 in shared spaces.
Self-disinfecting coating used in Changi Airport
According to Changi Airport Group’s (CAG) media release, 650 litres of the self-disinfecting coating have been donated to town councils across Singapore.
The substance, sdst, apparently “safeguards against viruses, bacteria and fungi”, claims CAG.
Previously used on “frequently-touched surfaces” in the airport, sdst is now used in 26,000 HDB lifts across Singapore.
Authorities hope that the coating would aid efforts to curb spread of Covid-19 in common areas.
Self-disinfecting coating effective for 3 months
Town council teams trained by CAG staff have been working hard trying to cover more than 1.5 million lift buttons with sdst, reports CAG.
However, they only have to do this once every 3 months, making the process much simpler than expected.
According to CAG, the coating apparently has “proprietary bonding agents” that enables it to stay attached to surfaces despite repeated cleaning.
Town councils also remind citizens to avoid scratching the surface with “hard” objects so that the coating can take maximum effect.
Remain vigilant during these trying times
Kudos to CAG for donating the state-of-the-art disinfecting layer so Singaporeans can now press lift buttons with greater peace of mind.
As the government and organisations work hard to make Singapore a safer place, citizens too must play their role for our outbreak control to be effective.
Let’s all remain vigilant and responsible during this critical period.
Featured image adapted from Changi Airport Group.