3 M’sian siblings smile & wave when told they can leave school early, unaware father died from heart attack

Malaysian siblings unaware of dad’s death smile and wave when told they can leave school earlier

Three siblings in a Malaysian school were filmed smiling and waving at the camera when they were told they could leave the classroom early.

They were unaware of the reason why they were allowed to leave early — their father had died from a heart attack.

Source: @cikguaincomey on TikTok

The students only found out about the truth when their aunt arrived.

Malaysian siblings smile and wave when told they can leave school early

The video, posted by TikTok user @cikguaincomey, showed three siblings — two boys and a girl smiling and waving at the camera.

Source: @cikguaincomey on TikTok

They appeared happy that they were allowed to leave the classroom early.

“The teacher couldn’t bear to tell them the truth…” the caption read. “It wasn’t until the students’ aunt came to pick them up…”

When they learned the truth, they began to cry loudly, the user said.

According to the user, the siblings are in Year 1, 2, and 3 — the equivalent of Primary 1, 2, and 3 in Malaysia.

Source: @cikguaincomey on TikTok

The video has gone viral with over 1.9 million views at the time of writing.

Netizens share similar experiences

Many felt sorry for the children as they had to receive the news of their parents or relatives dying while they were in class.

Source: @cikguaincomey on TikTok

One user shared that they were in Year 2 when they suddenly got an announcement that their aunt was coming to take them home.

Source: @cikguaincomey on TikTok

“At the time I was not in a good mood as my mum had died,” they added, noting that their aunt took care of them from a young age.

Another user replied to them and shared that their aunt also took care of them when they were younger.

Unfortunately, after they grew up, their aunt passed away earlier this year.

Others also had friends who received similar news while they were in school.

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Featured image adapted from @cikguaincomey on TikTok.

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