Boy in Thailand cries to mum & refuses to race, wins gold chasing her down

Boy cries to mum over not wanting to race, but wins it anyway

On 27 June, a Thai Facebook page shared a heartwarming and humorous moment from a children’s race.

The race was between two young boys in Thung Song, a town in southern Thailand.

One of the children, a five-year-old boy, appeared to be in tears as he clung to his mother at the starting line.

With only a few seconds left before the race began, the mum had to come up with an idea to get her son running, fast.

Mum comes up with a strategy to get her son running

Fortunately, the mum was as quick-witted as she was quick on her feet.

She started running away from her crying son when the whistle sounded.

Source: เมือง ทุ่งสง on Facebook

The boy then immediately started chasing her.

Onlookers were confused at first, but it soon dawned on them just what was happening.

Chased mum so fast he won the gold

Laughter, smiles, and cheers filled the air as everyone had their eyes glued to the race, which now included a child running as if his life depended on it.

Source: เมือง ทุ่งสง on Facebook

Mum was considerate for her son too, as she looked back every few seconds to check if her son was alright.

The boy sprinted ahead of his competitor even with tears running down his face.

But his sadness soon turned to joy as he crossed the finish line and won first place.

Photos from the event showed that the young boy was all smiles after the race when receiving his medal.

Also read: S’pore Bus Captain Gives Chocs To Comfort Crying Child, Mum Grateful For His Kindness

S’pore Bus Captain Gives Chocs To Comfort Crying Child, Mum Grateful For His Kindness

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Featured image adapted from เมือง ทุ่งสง on Facebook and ThairathTV on X

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