Tourist From Australia Won’t Visit S’pore Again, Cites Rude Locals As A Reason

Tourist From Australia Lists Reasons For Not Wanting Revisit Singapore

A tourist from Australia recently took to TikTok to share his reasons for not wanting to actively visit Singapore again.

He particularly noted that the locals were unfriendly and that he didn’t experience much culture.

Drawing some similarities between Singapore and Sydney, he also added that the city was too much of a concrete jungle.

Tourist from Australia says Singapore is a concrete jungle

In a video on TikTok, Matthew aka @nomadmatthew explained that he had been to Singapore twice, and would not want to actively return for a visit again.

The video has been removed at the time of writing.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

“My actual hell is Singapore,” he said, before sharing his views of the country.

The first was that it was a concrete jungle, which did not endear itself to Matthew.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

Saying it was comparable to Sydney, he added:

“All there is, is tall high-rises. The cuisine is good, there’s cars everywhere, it’s busy, it’s loud. I just don’t see it as something fascinating.

He did, however, enjoy his three-night stay in Marina Bay Sands, with the view of Gardens By The Bay.

Felt that locals were unfriendly

He went on to highlight the unfriendliness of locals in the country as a second reason for not wanting to revisit Singapore, stating:

I just don’t think that the people there were nice to me in my experience and they were so blunt about it.

This included not acknowledging his existence, and being both passively and blatantly rude.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

Matthew also shared that two bars in Chinatown turned him away, explaining that they were for locals only.

Tourist from Australia wants to experience different cultures

Singapore’s culture — or lack thereof — didn’t appeal to Matthew as well.

“This is probably more of a personal thing, but when I travel overseas I really like to feel different experiences, different culture,” he said.

“I didn’t really experience that there.”

Matthew then acknowledged that perhaps he did not know much about Singapore culture.

He shared it was difficult to come across cultural aspects of Singapore, with only one market among the numerous high-rises containing such traits.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

Matthew then said that almost every country he visited had something culturally significant about them.

Elaborating on his point further, he moved on to express his shock at the lack of souvenirs or trinkets being sold in Singapore.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

Ultimately, he had to settle for a Merlion-themed snow globe, which he didn’t seem impressed by.

Source: @nomadmatthew on TikTok

Matthew also acknowledged that most tourists would label Singapore a “nice city”.

“Yeah I get that, but everywhere else is a nice city, so what else can you offer?” he asked.

“When I compare it to somewhere like Japan… there’s no comparison for me personally.”

Also read: Redditor Asks If S’poreans Are Generally Rude & Entitled, Sparks Debate In Comments

Redditor Asks If S’poreans Are Generally Rude & Entitled, Sparks Debate In Comments

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Featured image adapted from @nomadmatthew on TikTok.

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