Photographer captures pictures of rare venomous banded krait at Pulau Ubin

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Rare venomous banded krait spotted at Pulau Ubin on 22 June

While on a trip to Pulau Ubin last Saturday (22 June), a wildlife photographer and his friends spotted a rare and highly venomous snake.

Easily identifiable by its alternate black and yellow crossbands, the banded krait’s body also has a distinct triangular cross-section.

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Source: Prashanta Kumar Mohanty on Facebook

Speaking to MS News, Mr Prashanta Kumar Mohanty said he, as well as the others he was with, were overjoyed to chance upon the snake in the mangrove area.

Group spots venomous snake on the way back to Pulau Ubin jetty

On 23 June, the photographer, who is in his 40s, took to the ‘Singapore Wildlife Sightings’ Facebook group to share the encounter.

Mr Prashanta told MS News that the group he travelled with split into two smaller groups to check out different locations on Pulau Ubin.

Initially, they had no luck finding any snakes despite walking around for over three hours. However, as the weather conditions and tide were “idle”, Mr Prashanta was certain they would come across at least one serpent.

Sure enough, one of his group members, Toh Jun De, soon spotted the banded krait on their way back to the jetty.

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Source: Prashanta Kumar Mohanty on Facebook

“Everyone was excited to see one of the most venomous snakes in person and super happy when they saw and photographed it,” Mr Prashanta added.

He added that the group made sure to keep a safe distance from the snake during the encounter.

Mr Prashanta added that one member of the group even caught sight of another banded krait when crossing the road at a different location.

Previously saw another banded krait in January

In his Facebook post, Mr Prashanta noted that it was the second time in a few months that they spotted the species of snake on Pulau Ubin.

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Source: Prashanta Kumar Mohanty on Facebook

He shared with MS News that his group spotted another banded krait in January.

Compared to their most recent sighting, the snake was considerably smaller and its bands were white instead of yellow.

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Source: Prashanta Kumar Mohanty on Facebook (The group’s sighting in January.)

According to WildSingapore, the banded krait’s bite is potentially fatal for humans. However, it is reportedly less aggressive compared to other species.

The species of snake would also hide its head under its coils when frightened.

To view more of Mr Prashanta’s wildlife photography, check out his Instagram account here.

Also read: Highly Venomous Snake Spotted At Pulau Ubin, Reptile Stays Calm As Photographers Take Pictures

Highly Venomous Snake Spotted At Pulau Ubin, Reptile Stays Calm As Photographers Take Pictures

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Featured image adapted from Prashanta Kumar Mohanty on Facebook

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