Women in Thailand try their friend’s breast milk, say it tastes delicious

Women in Thailand try their friend's breast milk, say it tastes delicious

Friends try new mother’s breast milk, give the taste a thumbs up

Everybody knows that breast milk is good for babies. But what would adults think of the taste?

That was apparently the question that two women in Thailand set out to answer when they visited their friend, who had just given birth.

Instead of a more conventional beverage like tea or wine, the new mum poured out glasses of her breast milk for her buddies to sample.

A TikTok video of their little tasting session was posted on 18 June and has since garnered over 3 million views and 45,000 shares.


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At the start of the clip, the women can barely hold in their laughter as the absurdity of the situation becomes apparent.

In the caption, they quipped that they were not there to visit the newborn, but to get a taste of their friend’s breast milk.

try breast milk

Source: @pzompor on TikTok

After a dramatic bow (because, hey, manners!), the duo presents their bowls like precious chalices.

The new mother, ever the gracious host, then dispenses generous portions from a milk bottle.

try breast milk

Source: @pzompor on TikTok

“You better finish it,” the mum gently commands.

A quick clinking of glasses, and down the hatch it goes.

try breast milk

Source: @pzompor on TikTok

After a brief moment of surprise, they enthusiastically declare the milk delicious, offering two thumbs up in approval.

Jokes pour in from netizens

The clip drew loads of comments, mostly in jest, with some pondering the depths of the women’s friendship.

One commenter asked if this little ‘ceremony’ has turned the two friends into the new mum’s ‘daughters’.

Another even admitted that they’ve also tried their friend’s breast milk, confirming that it’s actually quite sweet.

One thing’s for certain: this kind of milk run requires some seriously strong bonds.

Also read: S’pore Woman Passes Away 3 Days After Giving Birth, Friends Donate Breast Milk For Baby

S’pore Woman Passes Away 3 Days After Giving Birth, Friends Donate Breast Milk For Baby

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Featured image adapted from @pzompor on TikTok

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