S’pore Actress Zoe Tay Imposes Dress Code On Helper After She Wears Overly Skimpy Clothing

Zoe Tay Imposes Dress Code On Helper For Wearing Overly Skimpy Clothing

Regardless of the workplace, there are bound to be dress codes in place to enforce professionalism and decorum.

Recently, veteran actress Zoe Tay revealed that her domestic helper started wearing overly skimpy clothing.

As she lived in a male-dominated household, Ms Tay decided to put her foot down and impose a dress code on the latter.

Helper reportedly started wearing skimpy clothing

In the most recent episode of The Zoe and Liang Show, the Mediacorp actress discussed the incident with her co-host Guo Liang and guest Kym Ng.

Source: Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

During their discussion, Ms Ng raised the question of whether Ms Tay’s helper had to wear a uniform.

In response, the latter said that her helper didn’t need to.

Nonetheless, she shared that her helper had gradually started wearing “shorter and shorter outfits”.

Source: Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

According to Ms Tay, her helper was “obedient” when she first started working for the family.

However, as the years went by, she observed that her helper started wearing overly revealing clothing.

Source: Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

“When I looked up from upstairs, I saw her in a skimpy outfit,” she said in Mandarin.

Zoe Tay imposes dress code on helper after she wears skimpy clothing

Thus, Ms Tay decided to have a conversation with her helper, telling her that her shorts should reach at least a certain level while working.

“Because it’s a home and my home is made up of males,” she explained.

Besides that, Ms Tay found her attire “outrageous” and chided her helper for it.

Source: Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

“Don’t wear spaghetti straps, thank you,” she remarked.

During her conversation with her helper, Ms Tay told the latter that she was free to leave the family if she felt that her rules would limit her freedom.

“I wouldn’t mind it if she works elsewhere,” she said.

Rules in place to emphasise respect for one another

Other than that, Ms Tay emphasised that it was more about the fundamental value of respect for her family as well.

She also shared that she would have conversations with her helper about setting ground rules.

Source: Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

Ms Tay said that she would treat her helper like a member of the family. For instance, she would provide all the basic necessities and meals.

If her helper faced any problems at home, she could inform Ms Tay, and the latter would try her best to help.

“But we’re not obliged to help her,” she added.

Furthermore, Ms Tay revealed that she felt it was inappropriate if her helper “brought her relationship problems to work”.

Clear communication is key

Ms Tay did raise several valid points during the discussion, such as the dress code being more about respect rather than limiting her helper’s freedom.

Most importantly, she seemingly communicated her thoughts clearly and respectfully to her helper, which suggests that she’s a reasonable employer.

Hopefully, all is well in the household and the helper is able to assimilate into their lifestyle comfortably.

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Featured image adapted from Entertainment – Mediacorp on YouTube

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