Drunk Motorcyclist In Taiwan Kisses Policeman After Mishearing Instruction To Blow On Breathalyser

Drunk Motorcyclist In Taiwan Kisses Policeman After Mishearing Instruction To Blow On Breathalyser

Policeman In Taiwan Gets Kiss From Drunk Man Who Mishears Instruction To Blow On Breathalyser

Drink driving is one of the most irresponsible things one can do when they’re behind the wheel, and it has cost the lives of many, including in Singapore.

However, for one motorcyclist in Taiwan, his lack of responsibility led to an accident of a different kind.

When a policeman asked the drunk man to take a breathalyser test, the motorcyclist misheard him and gave the officer a smooch instead.

As it turns out, “give me a kiss” in Mandarin sounds somewhat similar to “blow on it”, which led to the hilarious misunderstanding.

Police asks drunk man to do breathalyser test, gets kiss instead

Police station chief Chen Zhi Cheng and officer Pan Zhi Yuan encountered the motorcyclist, surnamed Liu, while patrolling the streets of Puli, Taiwan.

According to Liberty Times Net, Chen and Pan stopped Liu when they noticed he wasn’t wearing a helmet.

Upon approaching him, they also realised he reeked of alcohol.

Pan then asked Liu to blow on the breathalyser, which in Chinese is said as, “吹一下 (chuī yī xià)”.

In his drunken state, Liu misheard Pan as saying, “亲一下 (qīn yīxià)”, which means “give me a kiss”.

Liu complied without hesitation and gave the officer a peck on the cheek.

Drunk man tries to kiss police officer twice

A video from Next Apple News of the incident seemingly shows Liu attempting to kiss Pan twice.

The first time it happens, Pan can be seen reprimanding Liu, saying, “I was asking you to blow on it, not kiss me.”

Liu then appears to kiss him again, which Pan rebuffs by wiping his face and clarifying his words once again.

He also chides Liu for reeking heavily of alcohol. Sure enough, his breathalyser test reveals that he was over the legal limit to drive.

Liu’s case has since been transferred to the court system, where he will face charges of public endangerment.

Policeman worried man’s kiss would give him Covid-19

As Covid-19 cases are on the rise in Taiwan again, the police officer was worried about being infected.

However, he was able to breathe a sigh of relief after Liu tested negative.

In an interview, he said that this was the first time such a thing has happened to him in his 15 years as a police officer.

While the gesture bordered on sexual harassment, Pan has chosen to forgive Liu, saying diplomatically that he does not have the fortune of enjoying such affection.

Practise responsible driving for the good of everyone

With the holiday season coming up, many will want to revel in the festive atmosphere with drinks and parties.

Unless you have a designated driver, everyone should always take care of both their safety and others’ by opting out of driving after drinking.

Choosing not to drive after drinking is a simple act, but one that could save lives.

We hope the motorcyclist will learn from his lesson and stay away from riding while drunk in the future.

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Featured image adapted from Next Apple News.

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