Hougang condo forbids dog-walking in courtyard after poo not cleaned up, residents express frustration

Hougang condo residents submit petition against prohibition on dog-walking

Due to irresponsible dog owners who failed to clean up their dog’s poo, a condominium in Hougang has prohibited dog-walking in certain spaces.

A resident of Riverfront Residences on Hougang Avenue 7 told Shin Min Daily News that they received a notice from the condo management about this at the end of last month.

The 46-year-old beautician named only as Ms Liu (transliterated from Mandarin) said it forbade residents from walking their dogs in the courtyard on the ground floor.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

New rules in response to damage from dog poo

The new rules were implemented in response to the damage to grass and public facilities caused by dogs’ defecation and urination, as well as the inconvenience to residents.

Ms Liu acknowledged that she had seen dog poo in the courtyard two or three times and would pick it up if she had a bag with her.

Most dog owners in the condo are responsible, she said, labelling those who failed to clean up their dog’s poo as “bad apples”.

Because of them, all dog owners in the condo have been implicated, she lamented.

Ms Liu, who has lived there for a year, said the management told owners they could take their dogs out for a walk through the underground carpark.

However, as the carpark lights are dim and it doesn’t have a pedestrian walkway, she’s worried that it’s not safe to take dogs through there.

Other residents complain about rule

Ms Huang (transliterated from Mandarin), another dog owner in the condo, told Shin Min that her 13-year-old dog is elderly and has limited mobility so it can take walks only nearby.

Thus, the rule has caused her a lot of inconvenience, the 47-year-old financial industry worker said.

The measures taken by the management are “too tough”, she added. Instead, it should solve the fundamental problem — the irresponsible dog owners — instead of banning everyone at once, she suggested.

Source: Google Maps

Ms Liang (transliterated from Mandarin), a 41-year-old pet day care provider, said she moved to the condo from an HDB flat to raise her golden retrievers.

When she bought the unit, she wasn’t aware that the management would ban dog-walking in the compound, she added, or she wouldn’t have moved there.

Hougang condo residents sign petition against ban on dog-walking

Ms Liu said about 90 dog owners in the condo have already expressed dissatisfaction against the new rule.

They have since set up a chat group for support.

The group has also sent a petition by email to the management, to air their views about the matter.

Ban clearly stated in residents’ code: Management

The condo management responded by saying that the residents’ code clearly states that pets are not allowed in its facilities and recreational areas.

The design of the underground carpark also meet the requirements of the relevant authorities, it added.

Once the management committee is formed, residents may submit proposals to change the rules for consideration, it also said.

Also read: Tanglin Condo Disallows Dogs In Main Lift Lobby, Resident Hopes Rules Can Be Reviewed

Tanglin Condo Disallows Dogs In Main Lift Lobby, Resident Hopes Rules Can Be Reviewed

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News on Facebook and Shin Min Daily News.

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