Elderly pedestrian tries stopping oncoming van with hand in Little India, falls backwards

Elderly pedestrian falls over after attempting to stop van with hand in Little India

On Monday (1 April), the SG Road Vigilante – SGRV Facebook page shared a video of an elderly pedestrian trying to stop an oncoming van with his hand along Serangoon Road.

The clip shows the man attempting to cross the busy road without a legitimate pedestrian crossing.

A driver who fails to notice the pedestrian then almost hits the elderly man with his van.

After attempting to stop the van with his hand, the pedestrian stumbles backwards and falls on his back.

Netizens have called out the man for jaywalking and nearly causing an accident.

Elderly pedestrian falls over while crossing road

According to SGRV, the incident occurred along Serangoon Road near Little India at 5.21pm on Monday.

In the footage, the elderly pedestrian unexpectedly emerges from behind a truck on the busy road.

As he reaches the leftmost lane, he notices a blue van heading straight towards him and raises his hand to try and stop the driver.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

The van comes to an abrupt halt and swerves slightly away from the pedestrian.

However, the act of raising his hand seems to throw the old man off balance, and he falls backwards onto the road.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

The van then drives off, not stopping to check on the fallen pedestrian.

Thankfully, other onlookers notice the fall and rush to help the elderly man up.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

While the pedestrian is able to get up, it is unclear whether he sustained any injuries from the incident.

Pedestrian faulted for incident

After watching the video, many users left comments blaming the elderly pedestrian for jaywalking and nearly causing a serious accident.

Source: Facebook

Some commended the van driver for swerving to avoid the pedestrian in time.

Source: Facebook

There were also those who praised the passers-by for stopping and assisting the fallen pedestrian.

Source: Facebook

Hopefully, this incident has taught the elderly man that he is, in fact, not a Jedi who possesses the power of the Force.

That, and to avoid jaywalking on busy roads.

Also read: Elderly cyclist knocked down by car in Toa Payoh after crossing at red man

Elderly cyclist knocked down by car in Toa Payoh after crossing at red man

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Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook.

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