FamilyMart M’sia Has Menus For Couples & Singles, Items Include ‘You Decide Lar’ & ‘Feeling Gwenchana’

FamilyMart Malaysia Introduces Menus For Indecisive Couples & Lonely Singles

FamilyMart is one of Singaporeans’ favourite places to make a beeline for when crossing over to Johor Bahru (JB).

With the year-end holidays coming up, FamilyMart has rolled out two special menus — one for couples, and one for singles.

The couples menu pokes fun at the common relationship dilemma of not knowing what to eat, with items named after phrases like ‘I Don’t Know Leh’ and ‘You Decide Lar’.

Meanwhile, the singles menu has items with names like ‘Kena (Got) Friendzone’ and ‘Feeling Gwenchana (‘It’s Okay’)’ to soothe the sorrows of those who remain unattached.

Couples menu in FamilyMart lets lovers order ‘I Don’t Know Leh’ & ‘You Decide Lar’

On Wednesday (15 Nov), FamilyMart in Malaysia went viral with a post announcing its new Boyfriend/Girlfriend Menu.

FamilyMart menus couples singles

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

The menu features four popular FamilyMart offerings, renamed with the all-too-familiar phrases of ‘I Don’t Know Leh’, ‘Anything Je (only)’, ‘Har…?’, and ‘You Decide Lar’.

In other words, couples who can’t decide what to eat can simply order based on whichever one of the phrases comes up during the conversation.

Boyfriends or girlfriends who order ‘I Don’t Know Leh’ will get a corn sausage, with filling options of potatoes, double cheese, or triple cheese.

Those in the ‘Anything Je’ camp will get a Brown Sugar Bubble Milk, while those who simply say ‘Har…?’ can purchase an Onion Cream Cheese Bagel.

Last but not least, if one’s partner asks you to decide lar, you can get him or her a Cheesy Rose Tteokbokki.

FamilyMart singles menu offers frappe & ice cream for those ‘Feeling Gwenchana’ or ‘Lonely’

Following the popularity of the couples menu, fans called for FamilyMart to introduce one for singles as well, and it more than lived up to the challenge.

FamilyMart menus couples singles

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

Yesterday (16 Nov), it introduced the Single Menu, which has items called ‘Stomach Growling’, ‘Mouth Itchy’, ‘Kena Friendzone’, ‘Rasa Lonely’, ‘Feeling Gwenchana’, and ‘Healing’.

If you’re experiencing ‘Stomach Growling’, an oden is right up your alley, since its wide variety of toppings and soup will easily fill you up.

For those who are just feeling snackish, ‘Mouth Itchy’ has got you covered with a sofuto (soft serve ice cream) milkshake.

Speaking of sofuto, that is exactly what you will get if you order ‘Rasa (Feeling) Lonely’. After all, who could say no to a sweet treat in times of bitter sorrow?

However, if you’re reeling from being friendzoned, you can get a hearty corn sausage instead to cheer you up.

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

If you’ve been on TikTok, you’ve likely heard the trending audio that features the Korean term for ‘I’m fine’, which is gwenchana.

Despite its meaning, it has become a go-to phrase for those who are trying to cover up their sadness.

Now if that sounds like you, FamilyMart recommends that you order a frappe (ice blended drink) to wash down your pain.

Last but not least, those of you who are trying to move on from a breakup or situationship will find comfort in ‘Healing’, which gets you a bowl of ramen.

To complete the melancholic experience, FamilyMart recommends enjoying this by the lake.

FamilyMart responds to suggestions for couples & singles menus with cute GIFs

As the couples and singles menus blew up online, suggestions from FamilyMart customers started pouring into the comments.

One said the menu should include ‘Cincai (okay with anything)’, as they always got it from their partner.

FamilyMart then gamely responded with a GIF of the Minions from Despicable Me saying ‘yes sir!’.

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia in Facebook

Another relationship veteran asked where ‘Up To You’ is on the menu. In response, FamilyMart jokingly shared a GIF of a man looking nervous and panicking internally.

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

The convenience store chain also had witty responses to commenters with critiques for the menu. One said that their partner doesn’t like tteokbokki, which would be a problem if they order ‘You Decide Lar’.

FamilyMart then replied them with a GIF of a frustrated-looking cat.

FamilyMart menus couples singles

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

Meanwhile, a follower pointed out that one would still have to choose fillings for their corn sausage if they order ‘I Don’t Know Leh’.

FamilyMart then suggested going with potato.

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

Last but certainly not least, a single individual asked FamilyMart if they have ‘girlfriends’ in store, as they had asked around a few outlets and none of them have it.

The FamilyMart social media admin then apologised, and quipped that they too can’t find a girlfriend.

They then smartly diverted the customer to the singles menu, saying they hope it helps.

Source: FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook

Which of these FamilyMart menu items would you go for if you visit JB? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured image adapted from FamilyMart Malaysia on Facebook and Facebook.

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