Iris Koh faces 5 new charges including instigating Telegram users to harass doctors

Iris Koh faces 5 new charges on 9 May

Iris Koh, the 48-year-old founder of anti-vaccination group Healing The Divide, was handed five fresh charges on Thursday (9 May).

In 2021, she purportedly asked Telegram members of her group chat to flood employees at the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) with calls.

That same year, she also allegedly incited the members to harass doctors at vaccination centres, Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported.

Iris Koh gets 4 charges related to messages on Telegram

Two of Koh’s charges that are over abetting the obstruction of a public servant in their work were related to incidents on 11 October 2021.

She allegedly asked 2,828 members of the ‘Healing the Divide Discussion’ Telegram group to swamp MOH and MSF’s hotlines with calls.

Koh also sent this instruction to 879 members of a separate group ‘Healing the Divide Channel’, The Straits Times (ST) noted.

Image courtesy of MS News reader

Another two charges are over abetting harassment.

On 27 December 2021, Koh reportedly encouraged the group members to harass doctors at vaccination centres.

During this occasion, she was accused of asking parents of young children to book a COVID-19 vaccination slot for their child.

Thereafter, they should question the doctor about the safety of vaccinations.

She would also purportedly influence them to request for the doctor’s permission to record their answers. According to her, if the doctor refuses, the parents should report them to the Singapore Medical Council.

1 charge due to alleged hosting of public assembly without permit

Koh’s final charge was of hosting a public assembly on 25 November 2021 despite not applying for a permit.

Situating herself near Bedok Police Division Headquarters, she reportedly distributed T-shirts with her group’s slogan “United We Stand for Choice – Healing the Divide” to her group members.

Apart from allegedly asking them to don the shirts, she also took pictures with them.

Koh presently faces 14 charges in total.

She is scheduled to return to court on 17 May and is currently released on a S$30,000 bail.

Also read: Iris Koh Apologises For Asking People To Flood MOH Hotlines, Will Continue Helping The Unvaxxed

Iris Koh Apologises For Asking People To Flood MOH Hotlines, Will Continue Helping The Unvaxxed

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Featured image adapted from Iris Koh on Facebook and Facebook

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