Transport Minister Iswaran To Remain In S’pore During LOA, Won’t Have Access To Govt Buildings

Transport Minister S Iswaran To Remain In Singapore During LOA Amidst CPIB Investigations

Transport Minister S Iswaran will remain in Singapore throughout his leave of absence (LOA) as the Corrupt Practice Investigation Bureau (CPIB) continues its investigations.

Source: govsg on YouTube

Mr Iswaran will also have no access to official resources and government buildings during this period.

Iswaran to stay in Singapore during LOA

Citing a press release by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on Thursday (13 July), Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported that Mr Iswaran will remain in Singapore during the duration of his LOA.

In addition, the Transport Minister will not have any access to official resources and Government buildings.

CPIB said on Wednesday (12 July) that Mr Iswaran is currently assisting them with a case that they’re investigating.

Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong had also instructed Mr Iswaran to take LOA until CPIB concludes their investigations.

Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat will be the Acting Minister for Transport in his absence.

Meanwhile, other West Coast GRC MPs will cover his duties as an MP, which includes Meet-the-People’s Sessions (MPS).

On Friday (14 July), it was also reported that Mr Ong Beng Seng — managing director of Hotel Properties Limited (HPL) — has been issued a notice of arrest by CPIB.

Property Tycoon Ong Beng Seng Issued Notice Of Arrest Over CPIB Investigation Involving Minister Iswaran

CPIB had reportedly asked the property tycoon to provide information on his interactions with Mr Iswaran.

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Featured image adapted from MCI Singapore on YouTube

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