Roaring LionsXII Homecoming After FA Cup Victory Proves Local Football Support Isn’t Dead

LionsXII return to a cheering Changi Airport

Saturday (23 May) was the first time Singapore won the Malaysia FA Cup in the competition 26-year history. Singapore’s contribution to Malaysian football clinched the historic victory 3-1 over favourites Kelantan. And when they brought the FA Cup home across the Causeway, over 2,000 jubilant fans greeted them with roaring support at Changi Airport.

MP Zainudin Nordin, who is also President of the Football Association of Singapore (FAS), let loose at the stadium itself.

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Social media was bursting with congratulations for the boys.

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PM Lee Hsien Loong thanked the team.

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MP Tan Chuan-Jin was at the front of the line, welcoming the team home at Terminal 2.

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Even the Crown Prince of Johor, Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, congratulated the LionsXII.

While also slamming the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM).

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When even the opposing team offers praise, you must be doing something right.


Congratulations LionXII!

Let the Lions rise through the ranks again.

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With reference from IrememberSG, The Straits Times, Yahoo, The Straits Times, 

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