Man Strides Into M’sia Eatery With Cat Sitting On Shoulders, Customers Amused By Sight

Man Strides Into M'sia Eatery With Cat Sitting On Shoulders, Customers Amused By Sight

Man Marches Around Eatery In Malaysia With Cat Sitting On Shoulders Like A King

Cats are regal creatures and often behave like — or are treated like — royalty.

This was on full display recently when a man paraded around an eatery in Malaysia with a feline perched on his shoulders.

Customers watched on with amusement as the cat wrapped itself around his head in an almost human-like manner.

Man strolls around eatery in Malaysia with cat

On Tuesday (11 Apr), a netizen shared footage of the hilarious sight on Twitter.

The video starts with the man walking into the camera’s line of sight, the black-and-white cat perched on his shoulders with its paws resting on his head.

Source: Twitter

Bracing a hand against it for a quick moment, he continues to talk to other people at the eatery, casually ignoring the attention he’s getting from the rest of the patrons.

Source: Twitter

As the man continues to make his way through the area, the cat swivels its head around — like a king would to his royal subjects.

Source: Twitter

Other customers seem highly amused, with one of them laughing at the camera and others transfixed by the scene.

Source: Twitter

We get a closer look at the clingy feline in another user’s reply to the tweet.

man eatery cat

Source: Twitter

Now isn’t that the most adorable hat you’ve ever seen?

man eatery cat

Source: Twitter

Netizens react to viral video

The video has since gone viral on Twitter, with many sharing their reactions to the curious sight.

Quite a few netizens seemed to find it endearing, with one even calling it “life goals”.

Source: Twitter

We’re not entirely sure if it was the man’s life or the cat’s that they were admiring, though.

One user even pointed out that her own cat likes to do the same with her as well.

Source: Twitter

However, not all netizens appreciated the sight of an animal hanging around the eatery in such a manner.

Source: Twitter

A few argued that having something so furry that close to human food could potentially cause some hygiene issues.

Concerns valid despite adorable nature of video

Videos of cats acting clingy with their owners would always win the Internet over, no matter what.

Despite the adorable nature of this particular video, though, the health concerns that netizens have raised are valid.

So if any pet owners out there are tempted to recreate the scene with their furry friends, it’s best not to do it where humans have their meals.

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Featured image adapted from Twitter.

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