Masks Optional Indoors In M’sia Except On Public Transport, PSA For Upcoming JB Trips

Masks Now Optional Indoors In Malaysia, Take Note For Your Next JB Trip

It’s been a week since Singapore loosened its mask mandate, with only certain locations still requiring folks to mask up.

Now, Malaysia is following suit as they too lift their indoor mask mandate.

Source: Google Maps

Similarly, mask-wearing will still be required at healthcare facilities and while commuting on public transport.

This includes trips on e-hailing services too.

With the September holidays just around the corner, travellers looking to enter Malaysia next week should take note of the new rules.

Masks optional indoors in Malaysia from 7 Sep

In an official statement on Wednesday (7 Sep), Malaysia’s health ministry announced that they have scrapped their mask mandate for indoor settings effective immediately.

However, premise owners can choose to implement their own face mask requirements where they deem fit.

Source: Facebook

In a tweet on the same day, Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin encouraged high-risk individuals such as the elderly and those who are ill to continue wearing their masks.

For everyone else, masks will be mandatory in healthcare facilities including hospitals, clinics and care homes.

Members of the public should also keep their masks on while taking public transport such as buses, trains, aeroplanes, taxis and ride-hailing services such as Grab.

Despite the removal of the mask mandate for indoor settings, the healthy ministry still encourages everyone to keep their masks on as it has been proven to reduce the risk of infection.

You may read the official announcement here for the full details regarding the changes.

Covid situation improving in Malaysia

Back in May, Malaysia did away with the outdoor mask-wearing rule but continued to require everyone to wear them indoors and on public transport.

But now that the country’s Covid-19 situation seems to be improving, the authorities are making further adjustments.

Daily covid cases have declined since a peak of 30,000 infections in March, with more than 84% of the country’s population getting their vaccine jabs.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook and Sutera Mall Johor Bahru on Facebook.

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