Motorcyclist in Brazil run over by truck & dies while having dispute with car driver

Motorcyclist killed after getting run over by truck while arguing with car driver

Last Friday (6 Sept), a dispute arose along a highway in Santa Catarina, Brazil involving a motorcyclist and the driver of a white car.

A video shared on X shows the motorcyclist swerving through traffic, repeatedly cutting in front of the white car and aggressively yelling at the driver while hitting the vehicle’s window.

motorcyclist run over truck

Source: @oficial_caveira on X

According to the Brazilian news site Portal Tucumã, the motorcyclist persisted in confronting the driver despite the latter’s attempts to avoid the situation.

Motorcyclist motionless on road after allegedly getting run over by truck

Another video captured the scenes after he was reportedly run over by a truck.

In the video, the rider’s body was seen lying on the road, with his head completely crushed.

motorcyclist run over truck

Source: @oficial_caveira on X

It’s unclear what transpired between the first and the second video.

Police question car and lorry drivers

Following the accident, both the driver involved in the dispute and the truck driver who caused the fatal accident immediately pulled over and called the police.

The police subsequently brought both drivers in for an investigation.

Also read: Car in Brazil flattened after container truck overturns, driver killed

Car in Brazil flattened after container truck overturns, driver killed

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Featured image adapted from @oficial_caveira on X.

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