M’sian Rapper Namewee’s YouTube Channel Apparently Hacked By Russians, He Declares Support For Ukraine

namewee youtube hacked

Namewee Loses Almost 1,000 Videos After His YouTube Gets Hacked

A huge fear for anyone with an online account is becoming the target of hackers.

Besides the risk of losing sensitive personal information, content that took many years of hard work to create can disappear in the blink of an eye.

One of the latest high-profile victims of a hack is Malaysian rapper Namewee.

namewee youtube page hacked by russiansSource

A visit to his YouTube page shows his username replaced with a line of Russian text. According to Google Translate, the sentence reads, “motherf******r f****t f****d your mother.”

Namewee shares that he’s trying to regain access to his account and left a strong message in an Instagram post for his hackers.

Namewee managed his YouTube channel for 13 years

On 5 Apr, Namewee took to Instagram to share that his YouTube account was hacked.

He has managed the channel for 13 years and amassed over 3.27 million subscribers. His catalogue of almost 1,000 videos garnered more than 1.4 billion views, and sadly, they all disappeared in the hack.

Naturally, Namewee is very upset and has an angry message for his hackers.

Namewee declares support for Ukraine after hack

Namewee, who recorded the video clip from London, believes the hackers are from Russia since all that’s left on his YouTube page is a rude line in Russian.

In the video, he shared that he has managed this channel for 13 years and that it’s been a “very long journey”, but now, everything is gone.

“I don’t care who you are, Russian guy, one thing I wanna tell you,” he said before launching into a fierce tirade in Russian.

Then, as if trying to rub it in, he declared, “We support Ukraine” twice. He also dropped two F-bombs, flashed his middle finger, and dared the hackers to face him in London.

Namewee was “quite calm” when he heard about the hack

Namewee later wrote a lengthy post sharing his thoughts on the situation.

He admitted that he was “quite calm” when he heard the news as he has been “mentally prepared” for this day for years.

The star is certainly no stranger to controversy, as his tracks often touch on delicate political and social issues.

namewee youtube hacked russians - london picSource

Namewee then called out those who laughed at his setback, saying they completely disregarded his pain of losing all his hard work.

Fortunately, some gave him a lot of encouragement and support.

“I would like to thank all these kind people,” he wrote. “I always say that you can see true good and true evil in this world when someone falls, and this time, it was even more obvious.”

He reassured fans that his team was working hard to restore his YouTube channel.

Hope he gets his channel back

Getting hacked is never fun, especially if you lose important stuff in the process.

While we can take steps to protect our online accounts, the scary truth is that everyone remains vulnerable.

Hopefully, Namewee’s team manages to get his YouTube channel back soon, with all his videos and views intact.

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Featured image adapted from Namewee on YouTube and Instagram.

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