‘I Have Caused Grave Disappointment’: Nicole Seah’s Resignation Letter In Full

Nicole Seah Submits Resignation Letter To Pritam Singh On 18 July

On Tuesday (18 July), Nicole Seah resigned from the Workers’ Party over her affair with senior member Leon Perera. In the 2020 General Election, the party fielded her as a candidate to contest East Coast GRC.

Leon Perera & Nicole Seah Admit To Having Affair, Both Resign From Workers’ Party

Describing her actions as “selfish and reckless”, Ms Seah apologised for “bringing disrepute” to WP’s standing.

Mr Singh has accepted Ms Seah’s resignation while stressing the WP’s requirement for members to be honest in their dealings with the party and Singapore residents.

He also thanked Ms Seah for her contributions and for leading the party’s youth wing.

Nicole Seah apologises for bringing disrepute to WP

On Tuesday (18 July), Nicole Seah submitted her resignation letter to Mr Singh, citing her personal misconduct with another party member.

In the letter, Ms Seah said her “selfish and reckless” actions had caused “grave disappointment” to voters from East Coast GRC, WP members and volunteers.

She also took the opportunity to apologise to her family members for the embarrassment the saga has caused.

Here’s her letter in full:

Dear Pritam, 

I offer my resignation as a member of The Workers’ Party with immediate effect, owing to my personal misconduct with another member of the Party.  I am grateful to the Party for the numerous opportunities and responsibilities given to me over the last few years, which I have carried out with fullest diligence. I am deeply sorry for bringing disrepute to the Party’s standing and the hard work of its members and volunteers. 

My actions were selfish and reckless. In pursuing impropriety, I have caused grave disappointment to the voters of East Coast GRC, and a significant base of members and volunteers who have sacrificed their personal time and resources to support the extensive groundwork we have done over the last few years. I am deeply saddened with regret to leave my running mates, Kenneth Foo and Abdul Shariff, alongside a group of dedicated members and volunteers who now face the herculean task of winning back the trust of the constituents, vote by vote.

I am also mindful that my public standing means I should have been a better role model towards younger Singaporeans and youth members of the Party. I am very sorry that I am unable to carry on the good work of engaging the youth. I am confident that the Youth Wing exco will continue to flourish with enthusiasm and pride in the events and initiatives they will create throughout the course of their term.

Finally, I apologise to my loved ones for any embarrassment this might have caused, in particular my husband and my mother. Throughout this episode, I would like to humbly request that the privacy of my family be respected, as we seek to move ahead. 

nicole seah resignation letter

Image by MS News

Pritam Singh wishes Nicole Seah all the best

Responding to Ms Seah’s letter on Thursday (19 July), Mr Singh said the resignation was accepted as it was “exacting and non-negotiable” for members to be “frank and honest” in their dealings with the party and the people of Singapore.

Mr Singh, however, acknowledged Ms Seah’s “significant contributions” to WP, highlighting her outreach efforts at East Coast GRC post-GE2020 and her leadership of the party’s youth wing.

Ending the letter, Mr Singh said he’s comforted that Mr Seah has been in the process of healing with her family since last year and that they have his support in this regard.

Here’s Mr Singh’s letter in full:

Dear Nicole,

I acknowledge your letter of resignation from The Workers’ Party (WP) dated 18 July 2023. You acknowledged therein that you fell short of the standards expected of the party.

Your resignation was deliberated by the Central Executive Committee the same evening. It was accepted as the requirement to be frank and honest in our dealings with the party and the people of Singapore is exacting and non-negotiable.

You made significant contributions to the WP. Your consistent commitment to the party’s outreach efforts in East Coast GRC after the 2020 General Elections was but one example of your dedication and willingness to work hard for the party’s cause. Your leadership of the WP Youth Wing was also greatly appreciated by the party.

I thank you for your valued service.

I was comforted to learn from you that you started the process of healing with your family last year. You have my full support in this regard, and I wish you all the very best in all your future endeavours. 

nicole seah resignation letter

Image by MS News

Read Leon Perera’s resignation letter in full:

‘I Hope To Devote My Time To Family’: Leon Perera’s Resignation Letter In Full

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Featured image adapted from The Tender Gardener and Workers’ Party. 

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