Otters Scurry To Bedok Void Deck During Downpour, Run Back Out & Frolic In Rain

Otters Spotted Frockling In The Heavy Rain At Bedok

If you think otters only come out when the weather is fair, you might be mistaken.

During Wednesday’s (1 Mar) downpour, a group of otters was spotted seeking shelter under a void deck in Bedok.

However, it seemed like they later decided it would be more fun to play in the rain instead. So they did.

A short video of the sighting was uploaded to the Singapore Wildlife Sightings Facebook group on Wednesday.

3 otters run around outside a gym in Bedok

The group of three otters was seen scurrying around outside a gym located near the Bedok 85 market.

Source: Facebook

Initially, it looked as though they were seeking shelter from the rain.

Source: Facebook

Several adorable squeaks later, they were then seen running back out — ‘Singing in the Rain’ style — before dashing off into the distance.

Source: Facebook

The gym-goers were surely entertained by the otters as the creatures were right outside the glass windows of the facility this whole time.

The OP wrote in the caption of the video that the otters probably came ashore at Bedok Canal.

Otters have become a common sight in Singapore

In recent years, it seems like otter-spotting has become somewhat of a pastime for Singaporeans.

Just a while back, another family of otters had wandered into the Big Fish Aquarium at Gardens by the Bay.

There, they were treated to the majestic sight of the huge aquatic creatures.

Bystanders got to see the otters stand up on their hind legs, seemingly fascinated by what was in front of them.

Otters Visit Gardens By The Bay Aquarium, Fascinated By Large Fishes

Less wholesome sightings involved otters feasting on people’s pet koi in Kovan and Bukit Timah.

In the latter incident, a woman’s koi collection was destroyed overnight by hungry otters in October last year. Out of her 23 koi, only one survived the massacre.

Otters Chomp On 22 Koi Fish At Bukit Timah House, Only 1 Survivor Left

Finally, who could forget that time when otters crossed the road outside the Istana escorted by guards?

This otter family received first-class treatment when they found themselves at the junction near the Istana and Plaza Singapura.

Istana Guards Stop Traffic So Otters Can Cross Road, They Become VIPs For The Day

Several vehicles stopped when they realised the otters were trying to cross.

When the Istana guards noticed what was happening, they came out to direct traffic for the cute creatures.

Cute to look at but not to touch

As adorable as these otters are, it is always good to keep a good distance should you encounter them.

Getting too close might frighten them and even prompt them to attack you.

Also, please do not feed the otters, as tempting as it may be. Food meant for humans is meant for humans, only.

Feeding them might cause them to fall sick or disrupt their eating habits.

Have you seen otters around your area before? Let us know your interesting encounters in the comments.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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