College student in Taiwan photographs pet gecko on sauce plate, restaurant looking to sue her

pet gecko restaurant taiwan

College student in Taiwan photographs pet gecko on a sauce plate

A photo of a pet gecko on a sauce plate in a restaurant recently went viral in Taiwan, raising hygiene concerns.

The gecko’s owner, a female college student from Yuan Ze University in Taoyuan, had taken the photo at the popular sushi chain, Sushiro.

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Source: Taiwan Observer on Facebook

The photo quickly spread on the Taiwanese social media platform Dcard, where netizens expressed concerns about the restaurant’s hygiene.

Due to the damage to their reputation, Sushiro is considering legal action against the student.

Yuan Ze University has also released a statement saying that if the post is proven true, the student will be dealt with following school regulations.

Netizens express concerns about hygiene

According to an ETToday report, the student took her pet gecko to the restaurant for a meal before her birthday.

She took a photo of her pet gecko on a sauce plate and then posted it on her Instagram story with the caption, “Sushi Fatty Bun”.

Sushiro taiwan

Image courtesy of Google Maps for illustrative purposes only

The photo was later reposted on Dcard, where it drew criticism from netizens who raised concerns about the restaurant’s hygiene.

Some called the scene “very disgusting” and “unhygienic”.

Restaurant looking to sue student

In response, Sushiro issued a statement on its Facebook page on Monday (24 June).

It said that the student’s behaviour “has raised concerns about catering hygiene and has caused damage to the reputation of the company”.

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Source: 台湾スシロー 台灣壽司郎 on Facebook

As such, it plans to take legal action against the student “for damage to goodwill and other damages caused by the consumer’s personal behaviour”.

To ensure customer safety, Sushiro’s Taiwan branches have also strengthened their cleaning and disinfection of tableware.

Student to be reprimanded by university

Yuan Ze University also released a statement regarding the matter, as reported by ETToday.

The university stated that if the incident is proven true, the student will be dealt with according to school regulations.

Additionally, the student will also be required to apologise to the restaurant.

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Featured image adapted from Taiwan Observer on Facebook, Google Maps for illustrative purposes only


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