Philippine Eagle Passes Away At Bird Paradise, Critically Endangered Raptor Suffered An Infection

19-Year-Old Philippine Eagle That Passed Away At Bird Paradise Was On Loan To Singapore

Since Bird Paradise opened in Mandai this year, many Singaporeans have flocked to the attraction to gaze at the exotic birds there.

Among them were a pair of rare Philippine Eagles that were on loan to us from the Philippines.

Sadly, one of them has passed away after suffering from an infection.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

Philipine eagle passed away on 7 Sep

In a Facebook post on Friday (8 Sep), Mandai Wildlife Reserve said the 19-year-old male eagle, named Geothermica or Geo for short, passed away the night before.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

The sad story started when his care team observed that he was not feeding well in early August.

Initial blood tests also indicated that he had an infection.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

Philippine Eagle admitted to Bird Paradise hospital, condition gets worse

Geo was then admitted to the Avian Health and Research Centre in Bird Paradise on Wednesday (6 Sep).

Unfortunately, his condition worsened on Thursday (7 Sep) evening.

While receiving treatment in the hospital, he collapsed and had to be resuscitated twice.

As his red blood cells were low, he also underwent a blood transfusion.

However, he eventually succumbed to the infection.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

According to earlier X-ray scans, Geo suffered from a severe infection in his lung, Mandai Wildlife Reserve said, adding,

Preparation is being made for a necropsy and lab tests to get a definitive diagnosis.

Philippine eagle was on loan to Bird Paradise

Geo and his female counterpart Sambisig were on loan to Singapore for a renewable period of 10 years, said the Philippine Embassy in Singapore in a statement on Friday.

They came here from Davao City in 2019 as part of the first International Wildlife Loan Agreement for Philippine Eagles. The agreement was between Mandai Wildlife Group and the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

It was also to mark the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of relations between the two countries.

The pair moved to their new home in the Bird Paradise’s Winged Sanctuary on 12 June, said Mandai Wildlife Group. Philippine Vice-President Inday Sara Duterte even visited them on 17 June.

Source: Dominic Tadena on Facebook

They came to Singapore with plans to breed them in future and Geo had just started displaying behaviours that indicated he was keen on  mating with Sambisig.

During his hospitalisation, Mandai Wildlife Group was in constant contact with the Philippine Eagle Foundation on the best treatment he could receive.

Philippine Eagle is critically endangered

The Philippine Eagle is critically endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The Philippine Eagle Foundation noted that they’re one of the rarest eagles in the world.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

Only about 400 pairs continue to live in the wild, and they may appear on just four Philippine islands — Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao.

Their wingspan of 2.1m, height of close to 1m and powerful talons enable them to feast on small animals. They are thus one of the largest forest raptors.

But they also breed slowly, laying just one egg every two years.

As they’re the Philippines’ national bird, the creatures feature on the country’s 1,000-peso bill.

Source: Rising Philippines on Facebook

Geo’s carers pay tribute to him

In a video, Geo’s carers Justin and Dr Daniel paid tribute to him as an “incredible presence” in Bird Paradise.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

They said he had a very curious and explorative personality that would examine anything new to the aviary.

However, he could also be shy, preferring to perch on a high vantage point to observe his guests.

He also loved tending to and decorating his nest.

Source: Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook

They will really miss Geo, they said, adding,

He will always hold a special place in our hearts.

The team will now turn their attention to Sambisig to ensure she adjusts well in this period of transition.

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Featured image adapted from Mandai Wildlife Reserve on Facebook.

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