Man At Eastpoint Mall Escorted In Ambulance After Showing Pneumonia Symptoms, Area Now Safe To Visit

Patient With Pneumonia Taken To Tan Tock Seng Hospital From Eastpoint Mall On 23 Jan

The Wuhan coronavirus scare has seen heightened awareness of flu-like symptoms – anyone exhibiting cough and sore throat, and recently arrived or returned from Wuhan is at risk of carrying the virus.

Lianhe Zaobao reported that medical staff had escorted a man in an ambulance at Eastpoint Mall in Simei on Thursday (23 Jan) at around 10am.

Man visiting clinic had signs of pneumonia

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the man who was visiting Raffles Medical clinic at Eastpoint Mall had displayed signs of pneumonia.

Staff at the clinic reacted quickly and called an ambulance, which then took him to Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) for observation.

The mall blocked off the area for disinfection until 10.30am, at which time it reopened.

Eastpoint Mall on Fri (24 Jan), picture courtesy of an MS News reader

Mall management has since removed the barricade, as evident in the image above.

Simei residents need not avoid Eastpoint Mall, MOH clarifies this is standard procedure

Since the barricade is no longer up, Simei residents need not worry about steering clear of the area.

Picture courtesy of an MS News reader

MOH confirmed in an update that the a special ambulance had taken the man to the hospital for further checks.

They assured the public that “this is part of the protocols that MOH has put in place to safeguard public safety.”

We hope that the man is well, and would like to remind everyone to observe precautionary measures to ensure safety.

Featured image adapted from MS News and Facebook.

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