Pope Francis mass seat reservations for seniors & wheelchair users open, register via parishes

Seniors & wheelchair users can apply for seats at Pope Francis mass with their parishes

Seniors and wheelchair-bound persons can now apply to reserve a seat at the Papal Mass during the official visit to Singapore by Pope Francis this September.

Eligible devotees, including their caregivers, can register for a slot via their parishes.

Successful applicants will therefore not need to participate in the open balloting for tickets.

As the mass can last about six hours, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore also advises interested devotees to keep in mind the long duration when registering, especially for those with medical needs.

Each parish has limited number of seats for elderly & wheelchair users

According to the Archdiocese of Singapore, each parish will have a few seats reserved for both the elderly — 85 years and above — and wheelchair users with a valid Persons-with-Disability (PWD) card.

Source: SG Enable on Facebook

Elderly participants should be physically able and mobile enough to move without constant assistance, it said.

Additionally, one caregiver may accompany the senior or wheelchair user during the Papal Mass. The caregiver must be able to provide all necessary care and assistance at all times during the event.

The decision as to which applicant receives the allocated seats will lie with the respective parishes. They will provide two-way transport between the parish and the event for successful applicants and caregivers.

Per safety regulations, Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) are prohibited from the event.

Event may last up to 6 hours

The Archdiocese highlighted that the Papal Mass programme can last about six hours, and urged interested parties to consider the long duration before registering.

Source: Ágatha Depiné on Unsplash

This is especially so for those with medical needs.

Participants are to remain in their seats during the mass. Anyone who leaves the venue after the Pope’s arrival will not be able to enter again.

To accommodate participants, mobile toilets — including wheelchair-accessible ones — will be available for both seniors and wheelchair users.

Ponchos are available in the event of rain, as some parts of the mass will not be under shelter. However, the Archdiocese advises attendees to consider additional rain gear if heavy thunderstorms are forecast.

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Featured image adapted from Ashwin Vaswani on Unsplash.

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