Passenger of S’pore-registered car throws rubbish onto road in M’sia, another driver gives it back

singapore registered car rubbish malaysia

Passenger of Singapore-registered car throws rubbish onto road in Malaysia

A passenger in a Singapore-registered car was caught throwing rubbish out of the window while waiting at a traffic light in Malaysia.

A 13-second video of the incident was uploaded by @afn.performance on TikTok on Sunday (15 Sept) and has since garnered 21,200 views.

The exact time and place of the incident were not mentioned, but some netizens speculated that it took place in Klang Valley.

Driver from another car returns trash

In the video, the driver of another car is seen approaching the Singapore-registered SUV.

After knocking on the window, the man picks up the orange peel from the road.

He then drops it back inside the SUV through a small gap in the passenger’s side window, before turning back to his car.

singapore registered car rubbish

Source: @afn.performance on TikTok

The incident was captured by a person in a car behind the two vehicles involved.

Netizens criticise passenger of Singapore-registered car

Netizens online praised the man for returning the litter, commending him for holding the offender accountable.

Many also criticised the passenger in the Singapore-registered car, believed to be from Singapore, for their careless act.

Source: @afn.performance on TikTok

They pointed out that some Singaporeans obey their country’s strict laws but disregard them when they are in Malaysia.

Also read: Woman uses her body to block car at Second Link, allows S’pore-registered vehicle to cut ahead

Woman uses her body to block car at Second Link, allows S’pore-registered vehicle to cut ahead

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Featured image adapted from @afn.performance on TikTok

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