Tanjong Pagar Condo Resident Throws Wine Bottle & Kills Elderly Man, Jailed 5.5 Years

Tanjong Pagar Condo Resident Jailed 5.5 Years For Throwing Glass Bottle From Apartment

In 2019, a resident of a Tanjong Pagar condominium threw a glass bottle from his apartment and struck a 74-year-old man on the head. The elderly man later passed away as a result of the blow.

Man Arrested On Suspicion Of Throwing Glass Bottle From Tanjong Pagar Condo, To Be Charged Soon

On Friday (8 Apr), the 49-year-old man who threw the bottle was sentenced to 5.5 years’ jail for causing death and grievous hurt by a rash act.


The judge reportedly described the Australian national’s act as one of “religious hostility” and that it must be firmly dealt with.

Condo resident throws empty wine bottle from 7th floor

Leading up to the senseless act on 18 Aug 2019, 49-year-old Andrew Gosling drank multiple alcoholic beverages — the last of which was a can of beer at his Tanjong Pagar condominium apartment.

As he looked down from his balcony, he spotted a group of 15 individuals from the Malay-Muslim community enjoying a poolside barbecue, reports Channel NewsAsia (CNA).

The innocent victim and his wife were part of the group on the 5th floor of the condo.

At about 8pm, Gosling headed towards the common chute in the lift lobby to dispose of his rubbish.

There, he spotted an empty wine bottle measuring about 30cm long and weighing around 600g.

Attempting to startle the group, he flung the bottle toward them all whilst running from the scene, shouting crude and religiously charged vulgarities about Muslims.

Elderly man succumbs to multiple skull fractures & internal bleeding

The bottle struck the elderly man on his head before ricocheting off onto the shoulder of his wife nearby.

The victim then collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious. According to CNA, the elderly man sustained multiple skull fractures and extensive bleeding in his brain. He died the next morning.

The victim’s wife also sustained an injury on her right shoulder which saw her having to sling her right arm for 2 months after.

She now lives alone after having spent 45 years together with her late husband.

Tanjong Pagar condo resident’s crime deemed religiously motivated

According to The Straits Times (ST), the condo resident pleaded guilty to 2 charges:

  • Causing death by committing a rash act
  • Causing grievous hurt by committing a rash act

Although his defence has stated on occasion that his actions were not religiously motivated, the prosecution stressed otherwise.

While handing down the sentence, Principal District Judge Victor Yeo agreed with the prosecution that Gosling’s actions were religiously aggravated and that he had demonstrated religious hostility towards Muslims.

The judge added that such actions could “seriously undermine Singapore’s racial and religious harmony” and must be firmly dealt with.

For causing death by a rash act, the condo resident could see 5 years of jail time, a fine, or both.

For causing grievous hurt by committing a rash act, he could face a jail sentence of up to 4 years, a fine not exceeding S$10,000, or both.

CNA reports that Gosling has since filed an appeal against this sentence.

Condolences to the affected family

MS News extends our condolences to the family affected by this cowardly and heinous crime.

Although it may be difficult to come to terms with such a sudden passing, we hope that with time, they can find peace.

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps. 

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