Ukraine UN Rep Thanks Singapore For Support, Chants ‘Majulah Singapura’ In Tweet

UN Representative For Ukraine Thanks Singapore In Tweet & Press Conference

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a devastating international crisis. It has thus resulted in a mass outpouring of support by people worldwide.

Singapore has been no different in providing our own form of aid to Ukraine. After a week into the invasion, it seems as though our efforts have been recognised.

The UN representative for Ukraine, Sergiy Kyslytsya, has voiced his appreciation of Singapore’s help for Ukraine in a tweet.


He has also expressed gratitude for Singapore’s efforts to support Ukraine in a press conference with reporters.

Ukraine UN rep tweets his thanks to Singapore

Recently, the Singapore Permanent Mission to the United Nations lit up its building in NYC with the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

In response, Kyslytsya posted a picture of himself on Twitter, standing in front of the building.


Above the picture, Kyslytsya also tweeted out his appreciation for Singapore’s support of Ukraine.

“‘Majulah Singapura’- ‘Onward Singapore’ and only Onward!!!” Kyslytsya tweeted in awe of the display of solidarity by the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations in New York.

During a conference addressing reporters outside the building for the UN, Kyslytsya once again mentioned Singapore as part of his expressing gratitude for foreign nations coming to Ukraine’s aid.


The conference was held after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted to reprimand Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking to reporters, Kyslytsya said, “I want to take this moment to express my gratitude to every citizen of this city… to every foreigner working in any mission of the United Nations.”

Go to the mission of Singapore at night and look at the Ukrainian colours. Small nation… brave as a tiger.

Singapore rendering assistance to Ukraine

As the invasion of Russia into Ukraine evolved over the past few weeks, Singapore has contributed some support to Ukraine.

The Singapore Red Cross Society has pledged to offer ~S$135,000 (US$100,000) to the affected victims of the crisis in Ukraine.


Furthermore, Singapore has imposed sanctions on Russia in protest of the invasion.

These are not the only forms of support that Singapore has provided. On Wednesday (2 Mar), the UNGA voted to reprimand Russia for the invasion of Ukraine. Singapore was one of the 141 member states to vote against Russia.

Singapore was also one of the 82 co-sponsors to propel forward a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ultimately, this resolution was vetoed by Russia, one of the 5 members of the UNSC.

Taking a stand against the Ukraine invasion

Being a small country, Singapore understands the plight of Ukraine at the hands of Russia and stressed the reason it needed to take a stand against the Ukraine invasion.

As Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan puts it, our country “takes stands, not sides, to uphold principles”, especially when it involves territorial integrity.

Until a ceasefire to the invasion has happened, Ukraine will need all the help it can get.

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Featured image adapted from Sergiy Kyslytsya on Twitter and Reddit

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