Woman Finds Maggots In Eggs, Yishun Minimart Steps Up Checks & Offers Full Refund

Maggots Found In Eggs Purchased From Yishun Minimart

A woman came to a startling discovery when she found some extra ingredients had come with the eggs she bought.

Upon reaching home, she discovered that there were maggots in the carton of eggs she had purchased from a minimart earlier.

She took to the Complaint Singapore Facebook page to express her displeasure and shock on Friday (24 Feb). Alongside the post was a video of the affected eggs with maggots crawling all over them.

The OP, who wishes only to be known as Ms Fiona, had allegedly bought the eggs from a minimart in Yishun.

Ever since news of this incident reached the minimart, they said they have stepped up checks on their products and even offered a refund.

Yishun minimart customer didn’t realise eggs had maggots until she got home

In her post, Fiona said she bought the eggs from Sri Minimart, located at Block 431 in Yishun.

Her video shows the eggs in a plastic carton. You can see multiple small off-white maggots crawling over the brown shells of the eggs.

There was one egg in particular that had the most number of pesky crawlies on it.

yishun eggs maggots

Source: Facebook

Fiona did not provide any other information in her post. However, she shared that a “pungent smell” emanated from one of the eggs in the carton in response to a comment.

Source: Facebook

Responding to queries from MS News, the OP said she ultimately left the tray of eggs outside her house, which is a corner unit. This is because she was afraid to touch the affected tray.

Sri Minimart offers a refund

According to a separate report by the Straits Times (ST), an offer of a full refund from the operator of the minimart is still on the table.

Speaking to MS News, the operator, who wishes to remain anonymous, said this was the first time something like this had occurred. “We order eggs once a week from the supplier. We always check the rack if there is anything spoiled, and we immediately throw the tray of eggs.”

After the incident came to their attention, the minimart immediately double-checked their items. They have also sent feedback to their suppliers.

yishun eggs maggots

Source: Facebook

“We have a very good relationship with our suppliers. All my suppliers are very kind to us. If there is anything broken or spoiled we will inform them immediately. They always help us to exchange the items.”

Re-emphasising their offer made via ST, the operator said they are always ready to refund or exchange the item for all their customers.

They said the minimart also does not require any proof of purchase for exchanges or refunds. This is because most of their customers are regulars, and she would rather maintain a friendly relationship with them.

Minimart promises to do better

Ms Fiona told MS News that it might be too late for a refund.

However, she hopes that they can be “more attentive [and] alert” when checking their products. She revealed that this was not the first time she had encountered items that were not fresh from the minimart, but she did not want to “drag the matter”.

Moving forward, Sri Minimart will increase the frequency of checking their items, said the operator. “We will check each and every tray before we put it in the rack, [and] focus more on eggs as they can easily break.”

“We don’t want to have another incident happen like this, [as] we have a huge respect for our customers. We don’t want them to have a bad experience,” they expressed apologetically.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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