Truck in Thailand zigzagging through traffic loses control, crashes into ditch, flips multiple times

Thai truck zigzagging through traffic loses control, crashes, & flips multiple times

On the afternoon of 1 June, a speeding truck in Thailand was caught zigzagging through traffic. However, the driver quickly loses control of the car, which falls into a ditch, and then flips multiple times in the air before coming to a halt.

Miraculously, the truck completely avoided all other vehicles and was the only car damaged by the incident.

Dashcam captures insane accident on Thai highway

Dashcam footage shared to a popular Thai Facebook group drew attention due to the insanity of the incident.

The footage, shared on 3 June, has already garnered over 3.4 million views and 62,000 likes on Facebook.

Source: เฮียขับรถ on Facebook

Dated 1 June at around 6pm, the footage shows a vehicle driving along a Thai highway on the right lane when suddenly a black double cabin pickup shows up on the car’s left.

The black pickup truck accelerates to overtake the vehicle ahead but then brakes when the driver discovers that there is another car in the other lane.

Presumably to avoid a collision, the driver swerves to the left while braking. This causes the rear of the car to lose balance and spin the car.

Miraculously, the black pickup completely avoids the car in the other lane as it swerves across the road and falls into a ditch on the side of the road.

The car hits the ditch, causing it to flip multiple times as it comes to a halt.

Only the black pickup truck was damaged in the incident.

Netizens say this is the model accident

Thai netizens chimed in through Facebook comments, with most saying that if accidents occur, then this is how they should go.

Source: เฮียขับรถ on Facebook

“This is how it should be done. Don’t crash into anyone in your accident. Once you’ve recovered, go try again,” one commenter said.

Other commenters also praised the black pickup driver for not hitting anyone else for his reckless driving.

Source: เฮียขับรถ on Facebook

The crash was so spectacular that one commenter even wondered if this was a movie stunt.

Also read: Soldier & wife pregnant with twins die on the spot after car accident in M’sia

Soldier & wife pregnant with twins die on the spot after car accident in M’sia

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Featured image adapted from เฮียขับรถ on Facebook.

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