Toh Yi residents receive notice warning about ‘suspicious man’ near primary school & playground

Man allegedly follows young girl home & exhibits suspicious behaviour in Toh Yi estate

The Toh Yi Residents’ Network has issued a notice alerting the community to a “suspicious” man in the area.

toh yi suspicious man

Source: 画在新加坡 on Xiaohongshu

He was allegedly seen loitering near a primary school and a playground.

The notice, which was shared by a Xiaohongshu user on Sunday (28 July), also stated that the man is “often seen talking to young children”.

Followed young girl & her helper back to their block

Describing the individual as a “bespectacled Chinese man” in his mid-30s, the Toh Yi Residents’ Network reported that he has been seen near Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School and the playground at Block 2 Toh Yi Drive “on multiple occasions”.

toh yi suspicious man

Source: Choo Yut Shing on Flickr

Witnesses claim that the man once followed a young girl and her helper back to their block.

On another occasion, he purportedly asked a group of boys to “buy things” for him and attempted to invite them to his home.

Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School has also shared the warning notice about the man in its WhatsApp group chat.

toh yi suspicious man

Source: 画在新加坡 on Xiaohongshu

Police to step up patrols

The notice went on to confirm that the police are aware of the situation and will increase patrols during school dismissal periods.

Residents are advised to call 999 if they see any suspicious characters.

They should provide the police with the person’s last known location, physical description (including clothing, build, and hairstyle), and details of their actions.

Children and the elderly should be reminded not to speak to strangers.

If a stranger asks for directions, they should be referred to the nearest community partner rather than being shown the way.

When MS News reached out to the Toh Yi Residents’ Network for more information, the Bukit Timah Community Club responded saying it “has no comments regarding the ongoing police investigation”.

It also directed further queries to the Singapore Police Force.

Also read: ‘Caucasian Man’ Follows Woman From MRT Station & Asks For Her Contact, She Warns Other Women On TikTok

‘Caucasian Man’ Follows Woman From MRT Station & Asks For Her Contact, She Warns Other Women On TikTok

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Featured image adapted from 画在新加坡 on Xiaohongshu and Choo Yut Shing on Flickr.

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