Woman in China allegedly finds human tooth inside meat mooncake, manufacturer denies responsibility

Woman allegedly finds human tooth in mooncake in China, US supermarket chain investigating

A woman in China recently found a horrific ingredient inside her mooncake — a piece of a human tooth.

human tooth mooncake

Source: @whyyoutouzhele on X

The alleged incident took place on 5 Sept, in the city of Changzhou in eastern China.

In a video uploaded to Douyin and X, the woman held what she claimed was an adult human tooth in a piece of tissue. She held it over a half-eaten piece of mooncake that seemed to be filled with meat.

human tooth mooncake

Source: @whyyoutouzhele on X

The woman’s voice can be heard saying behind the camera: “My family member ate this just now. Look at what they ate. It’s so scary.”

The woman had allegedly purchased the meat mooncakes from Sam’s Club, a membership-only American supermarket chain which had stores in China.

Manufacturer questions validity of claim

In response to the video, an employee at Changzhou’s Sam’s Club said the company’s management was handling the issue.

human tooth mooncake

Source: @whyyoutouzhele on X

According to Hongxing News, Ms Liu, a spokesperson for the mooncake’s manufacturer, said it was impossible for foreign objects to end up inside their mooncakes during production due to measures such as X-ray machines.

She added that the company had requested the involved items for inspection, but was denied by the consumer who bought them.

Ms Liu stated that the manufacturer had sent CCTV footage of the factory’s mooncake production to both Sam’s Club and Changzhou’s regulatory authorities.

Source: 小政视频 on Douyin

The latter said that they were currently investigating the case and would hand out punishments if they found any food safety issues.

Netizens alarmed but doubtful about incident

Chinese netizens were alarmed at the incident. One of them said that the sight of the tooth nearly made them vomit and that they had decided to save this year’s mooncake budget instead of purchasing any.

Source: Weibo

However, other netizens cast doubt on the credibility of the woman, saying their first impression was that the story had poor believability.

Source: Weibo

A Douyin user shared a similar story, claiming to have once eaten some bread, only to bite into something hard. When they took it out, they found that it was a tooth and nearly puked.

However, on closer inspection, they realised that it was their own dental implant that had fallen out and not a problem with the bread itself.

Source: Douyin

South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported that Sam’s Club in China had been involved with numerous food safety violations.

The American supermarket chain has been fined over 20 times in recent years for misconduct such as selling expired milk powder.

In 2022, a woman in Fujian province alleged that her uncle broke his teeth on their Swiss rolls after biting into three artificial teeth embedded in them.

Also read: Over 21K ‘counterfeit’ mooncakes seized at factory in China, worth over S$367K

Over 21K ‘counterfeit’ mooncakes seized at factory in China, worth over S$367K

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Featured image adapted from @whyyoutouzhele on X.

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